Anniversary Tradition

For our one year anniversary I gave the traditional gift of “paper” – kind of. I hired a friend (photographer) to take photos of us in our wedding outfits (or variations of them). I wore my dress. Steve wore his jacket, tie, and shoes. Aiden wore his whole outfit (notice the pants length). The shoot was at Natural Bridges State Beach in Santa Cruz. I plan to take photos like this every single year, and when we’re old and gray we’ll have a lifetime’s worth of images to look back on.

anniversary photos, a new tradition
anniversary photos, a new tradition

Photos for our first year gift of paper

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Responses to “Anniversary Tradition”

  1. Jana Garrett

    LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!

  2. Brittany Doll

    Cute pictures Jessica! What a great idea. Tim would never go for that. We should get together soon.

  3. Beautiful pictures. Your son is growing so fast! This will be a great way to remember the years you’ve had together.

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