Kalalau Trail, Hiking the Nā Pali Coast

One of the things we did while in Kauai was hike the Nā Pali coast. The trail is known as the Kalalau trail and is 11 miles long. We hiked to Hanakapi’ai beach which is only the first 2 miles in, 2 miles out. The trail is a lot of switchbacks and very “up & down” (hundreds of feet). Most of it was muddy and at some points when the trail peaked out from the valleys it was very windy. It rained off and on but felt nice to cool off a little. I just have to gloat for a moment and say that I’m so insanely proud of Aiden. He hiked all 4 miles without a complaint. He only mentioned being tired once and that was after we got all the way back to the parking lot.

We started at around 11AM at Ke’e beach and started up the trail. Almost immediately we were rewarded with this view:
Ke'e beach in Kauai, the start of the Nā Pali Coast and Kalalau Trail

Onward we hiked…

Stopped for a short break…

Then Hanakāpīʻai Beach graced us with her gorgeous presence… After crossing a small-ish stream we were there!

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Response to “Kalalau Trail, Hiking the Nā Pali Coast”

  1. Bella M.

    This is beautifil!

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