Spring Jumpsuit

Black Jumpsuit Spring Black Jumpsuit Spring Black Jumpsuit Spring

shop: jumpsuit / shoes / bracelets / nail polish

I wore this spring jumpsuit for Easter this year. Our plans are always more casual, and a black jumpsuit is perfect for chasing the boys around without any wardrobe malfunctions. It wasn’t too chilly but there was a slight chance of rain. Either way it wasn’t enough to warrant a coat or keep me out of sandals for the day. I know I haven’t shared much about my 52 weeks series lately, I’ll share some more in depth about life lately tomorrow. Until then, shop below:

Black Jumpsuit Spring California Grape Vines

What did you do for Easter? What did you wear?

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Responses to “Spring Jumpsuit”

  1. Seriously. Such a model.

    1. Thanks, Nancy! 😉

  2. I love how simple this is, it looks very elegant and simple all at once.

    1. Jumpsuits are my favorite because they’re so versatile. 🙂

  3. Just ordered this whole look. I can’t wait to wear it! It doesn’t get warm here too often.

    1. Exciting! I’d love weather that isn’t always warm. I’m not a huge Summer girl.

  4. Aw I love a good jumpsuit, you look fantastic and most of all comfy! It’s nice to come across another SF blogger like yourself, you have lovely photos 🙂

    All the best,

    IG @shoes_and_sashimi

    1. Great to meet you! Maybe we’ll cross paths at an event or something. 🙂

  5. You look gorgeous…a little like Amanda Seyfried!

    1. Thanks, and ha! I’ve totally heard that before. I’d be happy if I looked MORE like her. 😉

  6. I absolutely love this – it looks like the perfect jumpsuit. I always have a problem with jumpsuits re: the length of the leg, the way the crotch drops (some of them are SO unflattering around that area!) and gaping at the chest. This looks like it fits so well!

    1. I have those problems too, mostly with the crotch drops! I have a short torso so that’s fun, haha. This one really surprised me with how well it fits.

  7. Absolutely lovely! This jumpsuit is so practical but chic! I’ve been thinking about buying one for ages and you just convinced me to pull the trigger!

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