Choosing the Perfect Gift for a Little One

Choosing the Perfect Gift for a Little One - 5 easy ways to choose the perfect gift for a baby and kid in your life.

Over the years that I’ve been a mom I’ve racked up the years and experience hosting birthday parties for my little ones. From baby showers, to teen parties, I’ve witnessed my fair share of gift openings. I’ve also given quite a few gifts, both for my little ones and kids I barely know or who aren’t even born yet! So today I thought it would be helpful to share the ways that I have been able to be confident that I am giving the perfect gift for a little one.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Gift Shopping

1. Why are you giving the gift?
What type of event is this for? Is it a baby shower? A first birthday? A 13th birhtday? This will help you determine what kind of gift is appropriate. Obviously it would be weird for you to give a gift meant for a baptism at a birthday party, ha.

2. What is your relationship to the child?
Is this your son or daughter? Is it a niece or nephew? A friend’s child? Another child from your child’s school? This sort of helps me determine how intimate of a gift I want to give. If I don’t know a child well, I’m more likely to go for a giftcard with a nice sort of token attached, like a snack or pack of fun chocolate. If it’s a gift for my own child, I’m likely to buy them something very personal like clothing. If it’s a family or friend’s little one, feel free to ask!

3. What is your budget?
This will vary widely from person to person but obviously I’d be more spendy with my own child than with a random child from my kid’s school. We don’t have a set limit for our own kids, but I find a $20 gift is completely appropriate for another little one from my kid’s school. If it’s their best friend or someone you’re more familiar with, I’d spend probably up to around $50.

4. What are their favorite things?
Do you know any of their favorites? Does your child? Søren has been really into octopus and squid lately so I knew right away that in addition to the sleepover at the museum, I wanted to get him a stuffed one. Perhaps this child has a favorite book, color, or activity that you could help support. Do they have a lot of something already? My boys have a big collection of Legos so I’m always happy to receive them because it adds to their current collection instead of making me find more space for something new.

5. Would you buy this again in 10 years?
Quality and timelessness are essential to me when giving a gift. I absolutely advocate for asking yourself if you’d buy it again in 10 years. In this hypothetical situation it wouldn’t need to be for the same child, but if the Fidget Spinners are hot now, will they be in 10 years and would you buy the gift then? I don’t see anyone wandering around with a pocket full of POGS. Look for toys that are made from materials that will stand the test of time, are easy to maintain, and don’t have many parts that can break.

The Little Gardener Party - An outdoor kids garden party based on the book The Little Gardener by Emily Hughes The Little Gardener Party - An outdoor kids garden party based on the book The Little Gardener by Emily Hughes

A few examples of what we’ve purchased for our son Søren’s birthday:

1st – A metal and wood drumset or storange tin from Acme Kids.
2nd – Micro scooter & helmet.
3rd – Summer classes at a kinder-gym.
4th – Balance bike.
5th – Sleepover at museum and BigStuffed octopus.

All in all you probably can’t go that wrong while choosing a gift as most kids are happy to receive anything at all. I find the more you also invest in the wrapping, making it look fun or interesting, it will set the tone for the gift. If all else fails, include the gift receipt or a gift card.

Choosing the Perfect Gift for a Little One - 5 easy ways to choose the perfect gift for a baby and kid in your life. Choosing the Perfect Gift for a Little One - 5 easy ways to choose the perfect gift for a baby and kid in your life.

Shop Perfect Gifts:

Do you have any tips for giving the perfect gift to a little one?

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Responses to “Choosing the Perfect Gift for a Little One”

  1. Ali Rost

    What wonderful ideas for kids! With three grandchildren of our own, admittedly I struggle to find something that will be meaningful. I really love the idea of a sleep over at a museum or summer classes. It’s far more fun to gift an experience. Saving your post for the times an event is coming up and I’m completely stuck!

  2. My favorites are Melissa and Doug and Alex toys. These are the ones that I always purchased for gifts and for my own children. They have withstood the test of triplet boys, so I know that they will hold up for anyone!

  3. I love these ideas: they’re original, playful and look like long-lasting toys. It’s hard to think of what to get my nieces every year for birthdays, Christmases, holidays, etc. That big stuffed octopus is so cute!!

  4. How very thoughtful! I love how you’ve listed all the things to consider when buying a gift. I have a little one and we always try to see what her interests are and match the gift that way. For example, she’s been more active now and so to encourage her to enjoy the outdoors more, we got her a scooter for her birthday. She loved it!

    Mae |

  5. Definitely helpful advice here! If all else fails, I will ask the parent 🙂 But these are good things to consider cause you can get lost in the crazy amount of stuff in toy stores or Target!

  6. This is super helpful for me since I don’t have kids and usually don’t know what to buy for the little ones in my life. Quality and timelessness are really important considerations for me as well.

  7. Neely Moldovan

    Such awesome tips. I think kids are so hard to shop for. They tend to not need much of anything!

  8. Dāsha Guyton

    I always struggle with this because my friends do such a good job making sure their kids have what they want. Thanks for the tips.

    Dasha |

  9. Anna Baun

    I love these tips! I love shopping for kids! They get so excited for the small, meaningful things! XO

    Anna ||

  10. These are very helpful! The problem with giving toys is that often times the child receives more than one of the same thing!

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