Christmas Tree Farm Tradition

Black Road Christmas tree farm near Los Gatos, California Black Road Christmas tree farm near Los Gatos, California Black Road Christmas tree farm near Los Gatos, California Black Road Christmas tree farm near Los Gatos, California Black Road Christmas tree farm near Los Gatos, California

The holidays are my favorite time of year. Although they can be stressful, I just love all of the festivities and traditions that go on. Or maybe I’m a sucker for the twinkling lights and holiday cheer.

I know it’s a big deal in most households, but every year during the weekend after Thanksgiving, we go pick out our tree. Last year, we tried something new and went to a Christmas tree farm in the mountains near our home. This year we went again, and it’s a tradition I really enjoy and hope will stick around.

Cutting down our own Christmas Tree Cutting down our own Christmas Tree Cutting down our own Christmas Tree Cutting down our own Christmas Tree Cutting down our own Christmas Tree

The weather was warmer for a Winter’s day, and the sun was shining bright. I worried about how busy the farm might be since when we went last year it was pouring rain and we were the only ones crazy enough to still go. There were quite a few people there, but the farm is spread out over the hills so it’s not hard to find some quiet.

The White Fir trees that we love are tucked away from the main trees and if you don’t look hard enough, you’ll miss them amidst the others. The easiest way to spot them is to look for the blue hued trees scattered around ones that are more yellow. Once we found ours we quickly claimed it and headed back up the hill to pay and secure it on my car.

Black Road Christmas tree farm near Santa Cruz, California Black Road Christmas tree farm near Santa Cruz, California Black Road Christmas tree farm near Santa Cruz, California Black Road Christmas tree farm near Santa Cruz, California California redwoods near Santa Cruz, California

The drive home was just as nice as the drive up, but along side us on the freeway were several other cars with trees perched on top. I couldn’t help but giggle, knowing that all these trees are headed to bring cheer to someone’s home. My thoughts fast forward to next year, and what we’ll do then but they quickly return. I just want to live in this moment.

I’m happy to share that I wrote this post is part of a holiday series by my friend Annie. Go take a look to see other holiday posts from bloggers around the world.

What are some of your favorite holiday traditions?

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Responses to “Christmas Tree Farm Tradition”

  1. The trees look like something out of a movie! I can’t wait until we have our house so we can also start some family traditions.

    1. I know, right? I love them. I think you can start small even if you’re not in your own house. I used to drag my family into my holiday ideas all the time when I still lived with them, haha.

  2. What a lovely tradition, we usually just go across the street to get our christmas tree your tradition is way better than mine!

    1. We used to just go to lots too, and had our favorites. I just never realized how easy it was to go to a farm or get a permit to cut your own. I have friends who get permits to cut in the forest for something crazy, like only $10! I just heard about tree rentals from our city where you pay to rent a tree, then return it to be planted somewhere in the city after you’re done. I think it can be as fun as you’d like. Maybe do something else too like drink hot chocolate or hot cider when you bring it home to decorate.

  3. Omg. That first picture from behind makes Soren look SO much older! Look at the all the heights of your boys. 🙁 Lol. And woah at that last photo – super pretty.

    1. I know, right? They will all be towering over me soon. 🙁

  4. I used to cut down a tree every year with my parents. It is such a great tradition – especially picking out the exact tree you want!

    1. That’s so sweet. I’m a little picky about my trees, so it works perfect for me, ha!

  5. these photos are completely dreamy, Jessica! i’m pretty sure i can smell the pine from here 😉 i love seeing how your sweet family celebrates!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Annie. 🙂

  6. This is simply too adorable for words…

    1. Thanks, Emma! 🙂

  7. Love seeing these types of forays. For several years growing up in SoCal, the family would load up our suburban and drive out to the mountains to find and cut down a magical Christmas tree. We eventually learned that it was illegal and by then most of the kids didn’t want to participate anymore, but it was the one thing I really enjoyed about Christmas in a blended family. As an adult we went the faux tree route for a couple of years, but this year I made my husband take me out to the wilds of Dublin to find our own tree (all done legally, of course). There was no way I was going to let a little thing called Storm Desmond get in the way of my holiday cheer. 🙂

    1. Hahaha. Oh man, at least you didn’t get caught! It’s nice to hear that you’ve returned to the tradition. 🙂

  8. I wouldn’t mind having this activity for a holiday tradition every year! It’s my first time to actually know what the different (real) Christmas trees smell like, and I’m even more obsessed with the holidays!

  9. […] week we visited the tree farm, and while the tree is beautiful it’s time to do some decorating. Usually after we bring our […]

  10. Really beautiful depiction of your Christmas-tree outing! I really miss the tree farms like we have back in the States over here where you have to buy it in a lot in front of a furniture super store. Much more romantic the other way 🙂

  11. […] is usually centered around home for us. We settle in and get festive, from choosing our tree to all the trimmings, holiday parties, & cookies for Santa, and beyond. The weather is very […]

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