I visited Copenhagen in the summer of 2013 and it is still my favorite trip of all time. I’ve been trying to convince my husband to move there, but it hasn’t worked out so far. I’m absolutely dying to go back, it felt like home to me and I really enjoyed visiting with the family I have there. Today I have a Abbie Kressner of Abbie Kressner.com to talk about Copenhagen with a local, and some of her favorite details about the beautiful “City of Spires”.
Can you share a little bit about yourself?
I am an American gal traveling the world with my Danish boyfriend. We have been on the road since we both finished grad school 6 months ago, and in a couple of weeks we will be moving back to Copenhagen together!

When did you last visit Copenhagen? What do you like about it?
I lived in Copenhagen for about 7 months in 2008 and am so excited to be moving back! Copenhagen is such a wonderful place to live with its healthy work-life balance, its impressive holiday allowance, its accessibility by bike, the plethora of sarcasm, and of course the abundance of hygge.
What was your favorite thing to do there? What do you want to do in the future?
My absolute favorite thing to do there is to ride around with friends hopping between cafes and bars and parks. It makes me feel like a 10 year old again! I am also looking forward to checking out more of the growing food scene in Copenhagen.
What 5 items would you recommend to pack for a trip to Copenhagen?
I’m keen on finding Danish brands to wear these days so I have tried to highlight some of them.
Rains Black Rain Poncho, Samsøe & Samsøe Black Skinny Jeans, Bruuns Bazaar Chunky Sweater, Madewell Biker Boots (similar), Coach New Willis Purse

Can you share one last tip for anyone who would like to visit?
Danes can be very shy at first, so you will probably have to be the one to strike up a conversation if you want to chat with some locals. Do not let this discourage you!
Thank you so much to Abbie for sharing some of her insight about Copenhagen with us. If you’d like to learn more about her you can follow along via her blog, Abbie Kressner, and on instagram as @abbiekressner.
Have you been to Copenhagen? Do you have any recommendations for visitors?
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