Crafting Community at Ace Hotel

Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel Crafting Community at the Ace Hotel

Earlier this month we had the pleasure of attending Crafting Community at Ace Hotel in Palm Springs, California. It was a whirlwind trip that involved over six hours of driving in each direction, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. We had the best time together in the few days we spent here. It was wonderful to be around so many like-minded families, and so many other creatives as well. The pool was filled with flamingos, swans, and giant beach balls and there were enough crafts and activities to go around. Fitness classes, including soul cycle, were offered in the morning and evening, as well as a few other fun workshops. All meals and snacks were delicious and included, which saved us time and also gave us more time together instead of worrying about the next meal. I know the boys had the time of their life, and we’re hoping to make it back not only next year, but to spend more time in Palm Springs as well.

If you are interested in attending an upcoming Crafting Community event (and you should be!), you can sign up for updates via their mailing list here.

Søren’s summer vibes t-shirt courtesy of Little Adi + Co. Images 3, 11, 14, and 15 are courtesy of  Crafting Community. This trip was sponsored by Crafting Community. All opinions, text, and images are my own. Thank you for supporting the sponsors that make life here at Team Wiking a little sweeter.

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Responses to “Crafting Community at Ace Hotel”

  1. OMG this looks like the best thing in the world! I may be looking into doing this, it looks like so much fun! And your photos are beautiful!


  2. What a BEAUTIFUL (and creative) place!! Very cool… I can see why you want to return!

  3. Wow, what an amazing place! I have never heard of Crafting Community – very neat!

    xo, Christina

    Fitness & Frills

  4. Love all those fun floaties!

  5. Loved this post and how fun, what a great idea of an event like this. Your family is adorable!

    Brooke | KBStyled

  6. How fun! Those pictures are beautiful What a neat idea. I’ve never heard of that.

  7. How fun! What a great little getaway! Love your photos!! Sportsanista

  8. i love that rustic ACE sign! looks like such a cool venue.

    xoxo, Elena Michelle

  9. omg what a cool concept! I have never heard of that before! love the photos!
    xoxo A

  10. Gorgeous photos! I wish I was able to join you 🙂 It looks like a ton of fun with gorgeous weather!

  11. Looks like a beautiful spot!

    xo, Kate
    Petals and Prada

  12. […] Kids. Not only is Mapamundi a super cute place to shop, I met the owner, Lorena and her husband, at Crafting Community and she’s an absolute doll. I was super excited to bring home a couple of Bright Labs sets […]

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