Destination, Palm Springs

As you know from our earlier announcement, we are headed to Palm Springs! The time has finally come and although we will be pretty busy with Crafting Community, we’re looking for a couple of other things to eat, see, or do during our limited amount of free time. So far on our list we have:

I would absolutely love to go on some type of architectural tour, but I don’t think we have time for it so we’ll probably stick to just one or two of these and hope to come back at another time to do more exploring.

Crafting Community in Palm Springs

Have you been to Palm Springs? Do you have anything to add, or do you have any tips for us? I’d love to hear them in the comments!

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Responses to “Destination, Palm Springs”

  1. Have a date shake…such a quirky thing that they have in Palm Springs but they’re so good. I never would have guessed.

    1. We’ll have to try one!

  2. Linda Doll

    The hotel looks fantastic … of course anytime there is an amazing pool, I get excited. It also sounds like you have some fun activities planned … ENJOY … we’ll look forward to your pics and report!

    1. We’re all really excited! Especially Aiden. I think Søren will be more excited once we get there.

  3. LOVE love love this post! I’ll be in Palm Springs in 2 days for vacay – LOVE your list!! Xx – Heather

  4. I feel like your blog is mind-reading my travel schedule! I am heading to Palm Springs in June with my boyfriend (have never been before), and will absolutely be showing him this post! Thank you for sharing.

  5. omg you lucky duck!! i cannot wait to hear all about it. i’ve never been but it’s been on my list for AGES!

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