Easy to Grow Garden for Summer

Easy to grow garden plants, perfect for a Summer garden!

Over the last few years I’ve had my shot at growing a Summer Garden. I never thought I had a green thumb, and always swore I’d kill any plant that came my way. In 2008 we moved into our first house and there was a small garden plot. I asked my Grandma, who has a pretty green thumb, what to plant and she told me to start with Tomatoes. I did, and year after year they’ve done good or bad depending on the weather. Since then I’ve planted many different Summer gardens with various types of fruit and vegetables and today I’m sharing some of my favorite easy to grow garden plants with you.

Easy to grow garden plants, perfect for a Summer garden! Easy to grow garden plants, perfect for a Summer garden!

Before you start, I’d like to point out a few (hopefully obvious) garden tips:

1. Start with good soil. I didn’t always, and my plants were not as great. I like to buy an organic compost and mix it in with the current dirt to help give my plants a little oomph.
2. As a beginner, don’t start from seed. It took me years to try them out, and I still kill them. All of mine from this year died, oops. My best results have come from seedlings that are at least 4″ tall and healthy at purchase.
3. Follow directions! Those little labels on the plants don’t just tell you what they are, but where and how you should plant them. Read them!
4. Once you have them in the soil, take good care of them. Water them often (according to their tag), and keep the area free of weeds and bugs.
5. Enjoy the deliciousness!

Easy to grow garden plants, perfect for a Summer garden! Easy to grow garden plants, perfect for a Summer garden!

Easy to Grow Summer Garden Plants:

1. Tomatoes
Start here. Seriously, the easiest to grow by far. All they require is a lot of light and a lot of warm weather to produce well.

2. Strawberries
There must be something with red produce. I’ve always had pretty good luck with strawberries as long as I remember to water them every day.

3. Mint (herb)
Mint is a very invasive plant so unless you want to constantly tend to it, plant it in a pot. On the plus side, this means it will be harder to kill.

4. Zucchini (Italian Squash)
Most squash is easy to grow, but I’ve found that zucchini (italian squash) is the easiest for me. Pro-tip: don’t let the veggies get too big or they’ll be full of seeds and less flavor!

5. Citrus
We’ve had a lemon tree in a pot on our patio for 8 years. It started as a tiny baby and we’ve brought it along from house to house without worry. In a pot it won’t grow very large so it doesn’t produce many lemons, but we’re looking forward to planting it in the ground once we find our forever home. Look for a dwarf variety when you shop for one, and keep in mind that citrus can grow indoors with bright light as well.

Those are all my favorite easy-to-grow garden plants, remember that if you’re unsure check the label and if that doesn’t provide enough information, google is your friend. Best of luck!

Easy to grow garden plants, perfect for a Summer garden!

Tools for the Job:

Do you have any tips for someone who is just getting into gardening? Are there any other garden plants that are pretty easy to grow? I’d love to hear your suggestions!

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Responses to “Easy to Grow Garden for Summer”

  1. These photos are so beautiful! I would love to have my own allotment when I get my own place.

    Abigail Alice x

    1. I feel like everyone should have one. You can also try a window garden, too! 🙂

  2. this is adorable and such a great idea!! I want to make my own little garden in chicago 🙂

  3. Love this post. My boyfriend & I have tried multiple times to grow something in the backyard, but we aren’t the best at keeping everything together & actually having it in the best shape so it hasn’t worked out well so far 😉 xx Adaleta Avdic

    1. Hahaha. I feel like my biggest downfall is when we travel. We have to leave all of these plant babies in care of someone else, eek!

  4. Great post and stunning photos! I have an allotment garden in Toronto as my home garden is in full shade. Many of the plants you list are also hardy in our Northern climate. Tomatoes and zucchini will produce right until frost. Also hardy and super easy to grow are runner beans. They can be sown directly into the ground and you can choose from so many varieties. I am growing sunset runner beans this year as this plant’s blossom is the most beautiful and delicate shade of apricot! – Marija

    1. That is great to know, Marija! I’ve tried planting beans in previous years with little success, probably because I’m not the best at watering, lol.

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