Fall Declutter Checklist

Fall Declutter Checklist, free printable and tips for cleaning the clutter for the Fall season.

I know that so many people are huge fans of Spring cleaning, but if I’m being real I need more than one season to clean and clear the clutter from my house. My declutter season is basically every single day of the year, not just in spring. It always helps for me to make a list at the start, then work my way down it so that I can keep track of the progress I’m making, and actually make progress instead of taking my sweet time. In case you can’t tell by my massive closet cleanout, I’ve started in on my Fall declutter checklist and can’t wait to finish it up. Today I’m sharing a free printable and 10 simple tips you can use or alter for your routine and home.

  1. Closet Cleanout – First for you and then for everyone else. This is probably my hardest area to tackle, so I feel extra confident when it’s done. See my tips for how here, and after here.
  2. Master Bedroom – After the closet, take care of any remaining clutter in the bedroom. Give your bedding and curtains a quick refresh to easily and entirely reshape the room’s feeling. My next house tour will be different!
  3. Guest Bedroom – Without overstepping your boundaries if they are occupied, tidy up the other bedrooms in your home as well.
  4. Child Bedroom – If it’s a child’s room, help guide them to make decisions about tidying up their space. Make suggestions but don’t force them to toss something they aren’t ready to part with. Unless it’s something like a dirty sock, then put it in the appropriate place when they’re not looking.
  5. Office or Workspace – Whether you have a home office or a computer corner, take care to go through and discard or recycle anything from out of date or old paperwork (unless you need it for taxes) to anything not in current use (in the last year or so). I’m so bad at keeping information and notes from past trips, as if I don’t already share it all here, ha! Chances are you won’t need it in the future either.
  6. Bathroom – Under the sink, cleaners, cosmetics, toiletries, whatever you want to call it all, clean it out! Look for expired items and toss, items you haven’t used in quite some time are probably not going to get used again so toss or donate to a friend in need. I have often handed makeup I purchased and tried (it didn’t work out) to relatives and friends who are more than happy to put it to good use.
  7. Kitchen – Ahh, the kitchen. I’ve just done an entire overhaul on ours, paring down to only the essentials spare a few entertaining favorites (those are essential too, right?). Our plates have long seen better days over the last decade, so I took the change in season as an opportunity to upgrade. Our old ones found a loving new home via craigslist. Don’t forget to clean out under the kitchen sink! It always feels less scary under there after a good scrub.
  8. Living Area – Our living room stays pretty slim when it comes to clutter, but I do like to give everything a good cleaning, wash, dusting, whatever. Sometimes I’ll pick up a new throw pillow or blanket to freshen up the space, but I do not do much seasonal decorating when it comes to Fall. Halloween is another story.
  9. Garage – If you’re lucky enough to have a Garage, chances are that it may have gained some clutter since the Spring as well and is due for some tidying. Stuff I’ve purged from the house usually make their way to our garage until I have time to sell them or donate, which is never. I have a habit of letting them pile up so I recently held a garage sale and am almost done clearing the leftovers out.
  10. Yard and Outdoor Space – Another if you’re lucky, take care of those plants and outdoor furniture before the weather starts to change and makes it harder to maintain. Since we’re in California we don’t have to worry about this too much, but I definitely like to make sure the yard is tidy before any sort of storm hits.

Free Printable Fall Declutter Checklist:

Fall Declutter Checklist, free printable and tips for cleaning the clutter for the Fall season.

Click here to download free printable Fall declutter checklist.

Do you declutter your home year-round, or only in one season? What is your favorite declutter tip?

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Responses to “Fall Declutter Checklist”

  1. This declutter list is so helpful! Thank you for sharing <3

  2. i so need this. my wedding is at the end of october and my fiance will be moving in then, and i need to do this before he gets here!!

  3. Totally agree – a deep clean and declutter happens every season for me, not just in the spring. Love this checklist, and will definitely be using it. I’ve been itching to get my fall clean on.

  4. Oooh I like decluttering, in case you couldn’t tell from my YouTube decluttering going on at the moment. Absolutely in need of some cleaning without a doubt, and my bathroom is the one I’m most annoyed with right now. You’ve motivated me to do a bit of cleaning! xx

  5. I’m in desperate need of a decluttering session. I have so many items to donate!

  6. Um i need this in my life now – printing and getting straight to work!

  7. These are great tips. I have been itching to deep clean everything in my house–I just reorganized my closet last weekend!


  8. these are some great tips and thank u for sharing

  9. Oh my goodness, that chair is so dreamy! Where did you find it?!

    1. It’s from Serena & Lily! Here’s a link: http://bit.ly/2gOckpK (affiliate) 🙂

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  11. […] – here & here :: In my pursuit of minimalism and decluttering – I found this handy autumn declutter checklist
 :: As we are big fans for garlic and flat breads, I will definitely be attempting this recipe
 :: […]

  12. […] – here & here :: In my pursuit of minimalism and decluttering – I found this handy autumn declutter checklist
 :: As we are big fans for garlic and flat breads, I will definitely be attempting this recipe
 :: […]

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