First Night in Paris

Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France Paris, France

Awhile back Steve took a trip to Paris, France without me. I have to admit that I was a little less than excited that his first trip to Paris would be without me. He went for work, and there really was no way I could make it on the trip with the kids at home. Don’t worry, he made up for it in Laduree macarons. He got in late on his first day, but still had the energy to take these beautiful photos.

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Responses to “First Night in Paris”

  1. Ahh! Paris! Lovely photos, Jessica!

    1. I know, right? I told him he took great photos when I was prepping them for this post and he sort of giggled.

  2. Steve took some lovely photos, and I do think that Laduree macarons is a fair trade! They are so delectable.

    Rae | love from berlin

  3. Beautiful photos!! I hope to go to Paris one day!

  4. Wow! I’m envious of Steve! His photographs are beautiful, nonetheless.

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’

  5. Love those photos of the fire eater! 🙂

  6. These are such lovely pictures!!!

  7. Beautiful photos. Did he go to the Openstack conference? I saw the photo with ‘openstackunderground’ on it – there was a large Openstack conference at Palais du Congress in November, my husband was there too 🙂 But maybe something completely different with the same name (I snuck along for a few days but is much easier from London!)

  8. I think it goes without saying, I want to go here so bad.

  9. My boyfriend and I went on potentially that same night cruise on the River Seine that I think these photos are taken from. It was gorgeous!

  10. My absolute favorite city in the world. I am blessed to go back each year, but there are always new discoveries. I hope you get to enjoy it with your hubby in the future!

  11. Absolutely beautiful!

  12. Beautiful photos! Unfortunate you weren’t able to go with him!

  13. Beautiful photos! I’ve always wanted to go to Paris!

  14. Gorgeous!! It would be a dream of mine to go to Paris! I am thinking about taking a yoga teacher training program in France at the end of the year!

  15. What great photos, I hope to see it myself one day.

  16. Looks like fun. Gorgeous pictures.

  17. […] Well, it is probably not the first time you have seen this but … it still is nice — and there are more […]

  18. Looks like he had fun? 🙂

  19. Stunning photos! Planning a trip to Paris this summer and seeing these photos makes me even more excited for the strip.

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