Fort Ord Dunes State Park


I can’t believe that I live less than an hour away from Fort Ord Dunes State Park and have never made a stop. For over 10 years we’ve driven by on the highway, but always had other plans. During our recent trip to the Monterey area, I decided we’d finally make the stop. The park was under heavy renovations, but was still enjoyable. It is about a 15 minute drive north of the City of Monterey, but if you’re standing on the beach you get a magical up-the-street ocean view of the city. It was quite a long hike from where we parked at Highway 1, but the beach and views were worth it.Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California Fort Ord Dunes near Monterey, California

Fort Ord Dunes State Park
Beach Range Road
Marina, California 93933


On a side note, I’m co-hosting a twitter chat with Flip Key to talk about all things San Francisco. Here’s a sweet virtual tour they’ve created for those who don’t live near. It’s on Tuesday, June 14th at 12PM PST. The hashtag for the chat is #FKTravelTips. Will you join me (@teamwiking)?

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Responses to “Fort Ord Dunes State Park”

  1. I went to school not too far from there and never touched that ground once the three years I was there (I was a kid, at the mercy of adults). Fifteen years later, that spot is/was a hot spot for ground launching. It would have been a great place to ditch school for. 😉

    1. Haha, yes! We saw some while we were there but they were a lot farther down the beach.

  2. we always drive by when we’re heading to monterey or carmel. didn’t even think to stop! 🙂

    1. You should! It’s quite a hike though, so have at least 2 hours to spare. 🙂

  3. You’ve been traveling to the most spectacular places! This looks absolutely peaceful and divine!


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