Travel Tips / Little Passports Review


We love to travel and do so at every chance, but since we are a family with school-aged children we don’t always get to make a big trip every month. I’m always on the lookout for other ways to add a little adventure my little one’s lives. I stumbled across Little Passports by chance and knew it was a good fit for our family. Their fun illustrations and packaging drew the kids in right away, I couldn’t even snap a photo before they dove into the suitcase.

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Inside the Little Passports suitcase was a passport, stickers, activities, a postcard, and a world map. Even though Søren is a little young for the program, he was still excited to touch everything while Aiden was more interested in reading all of the information and finding places on the map. It’s definitely an activity they can do together as long as Søren is in a sharing mood.

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Little Passports is a monthly subscription box that was founded by two moms who believe in raising our children to be compassionate and knowledgeable about the world around them. Each month, the imaginary characters of Little Passports, named Sam and Sofia, travel the globe on their magic scooter and share their experiences with your child.

This year marks their 5th birthday, and to celebrate they want to offer you 15% off a new subscription package. Each month your child will receive a personalized package in the mail that includes an adventure letter, fun souvenirs, activities and access to their online Boarding Zone full of activities and games.

15% Off New Subscriptions at Little Passports now until 4/8 with code: HAPPY5


The Little Passports World Explorer box that Søren and Aiden opened was provided by Little Passports for review. This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links.

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Responses to “Travel Tips / Little Passports Review”

  1. The boys look SO much alike in these pictures, and I didn’t really think they did look too much alike. Omg how fun is that Little Passport subscription box! Think you’ll keep it up?

    1. They got really excited about it, so I think I might. I can save the box for a rainy day if I need to, haha.

  2. My girls have been getting Little Passports packages for just over a year now and they love it! Every time a new parcel arrives they’re so excited to dive in and see which country it is from. Their little suitcase is well and truly covered in stickers now and the passport is almost full!
    I’m thinking we need to subscribe to the USA edition soon too 🙂

    1. That’s so good to hear! I’m really excited to sign the boys up.

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