Hike Le Perouse Bay

Le Perouse Bay on the island of Maui

Le Perouse Bay is a beautiful part of Maui just south of Wailea. The road ends and you can hike out into the lava field, beyond where the vegetation stops. It is important to stay on the trail not only for the sake of your feet, but to respect the cultural sites as well. It was hot and humid so we opted not to do the full hike. We stopped at a beautiful beach filled with large rock that offered a small amount of protection from the waves crashing in, and the smaller pockets of calm water were teeming with sealife. We even spotted a sea turtle nearby. A few people passed through on their hike, but most of the tourists don’t go very far, so we had the beach to ourselves for our entire visit. It was easily one of my favorite stops during our stay on Maui.

On a side bad-mommy note, if you forget extra bottoms for your little one, just let them go bare. We had a clean set for him when we were done and any sand easily rinsed off in the ocean. Plus his little tush was way too cute to not take note of.

Hike Le Perouse Bay Lava Field in Maui Coral and Lava Rock on Maui Hike Le Perouse Bay Lava Field in Maui team-wiking-travel-le-perouse-bay-hike-maui-5 Le Perouse Bay on the island of Maui Hike Le Perouse Bay Lava Field in Maui Maui Beach Maui Beach Small lava filled cove on Maui Small lava filled cove on Maui Small lava filled cove on Maui Le Perouse Bay on the island of Maui Hike Le Perouse Bay Lava Field in Maui Le Perouse Bay on the island of Maui

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Responses to “Hike Le Perouse Bay”

  1. Love the pics… omg Soren’s little toosh, sooo freaking cute haha!!!

  2. Gorgeous! I love the green coastline. What a great hike!

  3. Wow, your eldest is tall! How old is he again?

    P.S. Your little one’s too cute for words!

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