Alaskan Adventures

I don’t know if there are adequate words to describe how beautiful Alaska is, so I won’t try. This week’s theme is Alaskan Adventures, and I’m happy to say that you won’t be disappointed. I was lucky enough to visit Alaska last year and it was one of the most memorable trips of my life. It was also one of the most challenging trips I’ve had to pack for due to the multitude of activities we took part in.
Camp on a glacier in Alaska Glacier meltwater in Alaska Birds enjoy an iceberg perch in Alaska Beautiful river in Alaska Timberline in Alaska Spring flowers in Alaska Aurora Borealis / Northern Lights in Alaska

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Have you been to Alaska? What would you want to do if you went?

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Responses to “Alaskan Adventures”

  1. wow – These photos are amazing. Stunning, actually. Being a Ohio girl, I kinda feel like I will never make it to Alaska, but I hope I do. It looks glorious – like another world!
    xx, Karen

  2. This is just too gorgeous for its own good. There are so many different habitats, so many different things to see in Alaska. You captured it perfectly with these photos. Thank you so much for sharing it with us here!

  3. Alaska looks so beautiful, but I’m just not a fan of the cold. I need to get over it & go hang out in one of the most beautiful states! xx

  4. Wow, these are amazing pictures. I’ve never been to Alaska, hopefully one day.

  5. Wow!! What gorgeous scenery! Makes me want to take a trip there someday. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Your Alaskan Adventure pics are absolutely beautiful! We keep talking about taking a trip to Alaska and this post makes me think we should bump it to the priority list.

    xo, Mae | Mae Amor

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