Hotel Laki, our First Night in Iceland

Hotel Laki near Kirkjubæjarklaustur in Southern Iceland Álfaborgin, the elf-city near Hotel Laki in Kirkjubæjarklaustur in Southern Iceland Pond at Hotel Laki near Kirkjubæjarklaustur in Southern Iceland

After traveling for a whole day, it felt a little crazy to rent a car and start driving just a couple of hours after we landed, but I’m still glad we did. The first night we spent in Iceland was a few hours from the airport in Keflavik, at Hotel Laki. We arrived later in the afternoon, and we were all exhausted and happy to be able to check in for the night. The rooms were wonderful, with a view of the land leading up to the coastline.

The hotel is very modern and the rooms were furnished with just enough. We opted to book 2 rooms instead of trying to cram ourselves all into one with a rollaway bed. It made for a more restful nights sleep, something we all needed. Since the town of Kirkjubæjarklaustur is remote, I was thankful for their on-site restaurant. Not only was the food sourced as locally as possible, it was absolutely delicious. I had what was easily the best burger in my life there.

After dinner I took my little one for a long walk out around the on-site pond (it’s pretty large) to look for birds and explore the elf city. It was rather surreal to walk around in daylight long after dinner and it reminded me of our time in Denmark. After a relaxing shower we had a restful nights sleep, ready to take on our next day.

Although I really enjoyed our stay here, and it’s beautiful location, I was really disappointed that our room didn’t have a refrigerator. It was easy enough to set our cooler outside the door and keep it cold, but it wasn’t a guarantee that our meat and cheese was a safe temperature so we ended up replacing it anyway.

All in all, I’d definitely love to go back if we find ourselves back in Southern Iceland. See the rest of our drive across Southern Iceland here.

Hotel Laki
880 Kirkjubæjarklaustur

How was your weekend?

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Responses to “Hotel Laki, our First Night in Iceland”

  1. Southern Iceland looks so peaceful! Great photos <3

    Abigail Alice x

  2. I’ve always wanted to go to Iceland. These pictures are gorgeous!

    Hannah Shanae

  3. no fridge? interesting… the pics are so pretty, though!
    Southern Elle Style

  4. Absolutely STUNNING!!! Definitely would love to visit!

  5. Southern Iceland looks perfect! The view you had looks amazing.

    Amanda ||

  6. Our Family World

    What a beautiful view! I love this place and it would be a perfect spot for my husband and I.

  7. This looks like such a peaceful place to stay!
    Charlene The Frugal Fashionista

  8. I have been wanting to go to Iceland for awhile now – I always end up somewhere else in Europe or on a different continent! I’m sorry the room disappointed with the lack of a fridge., but it sure does look peaceful and beautiful.

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