ION Adventure Hotel

Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Spa at the Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Mineral Pool at the Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Mineral Pool at the Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland Mineral Pool at the Ion Adventure Hotel in Iceland

Of all the places we stayed in Iceland, the ION Adventure Hotel was my favorite. Not only does it boast eco-conscious luxury, it’s a part of Design Hotels, which means it’s a living dream on the inside and out. My husband doesn’t love minimal design as much as I do, so he was not as excited about our stay. It might also have something to do with us having our little ones with us, which was fine, but this place would make for an amazing romantic getaway.

On the plus side, I just can’t say enough good things about it. The staff was super helpful, the restaurant was delicious, and the mineral pool below the hotel was one of the more relaxing that we visited while in Iceland (side note: you do not need to visit the spa to use the pool, only need to be a guest to enjoy). Every time I asked questions at the front desk, I was sure that they’d roll their eyes at this American tourist who asks too many questions, but I was always met with a smile and the answer to my question.

While the location (Iceland, hello?!) is nothing short of amazing, it also wasn’t quite what we expected from the photos. We sort of imagined it in the middle of a moss-covered field, but it was actually closer to a moss-covered hill and near a geothermal power plant (no noise). The hallways were also a little dark, but it added to the ambiance of the hotel.

Although our stay was short, I absolutely hope to make it back here one day because I’d love to spend a good 2-3 days here relaxing and soaking in the pool.

ION Adventure Hotel
Selfoss 801,

Where is your dream place to stay, your travel “spirit animal” if you will?

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Responses to “ION Adventure Hotel”

  1. I love the hotels of Design Hotels, they are always so cool!

  2. So incredible!

  3. This hotel is so neat! The view is just gorgeous too!

    Amanda ||

  4. That hotel is dreamy!!!

  5. omg so beautiful! i love the design elements!
    Southern Elle Style

  6. This hotel looks incredible!! The view is pretty gorgeous too
    Charlene The Frugal Fashionista

  7. This place looks amazing! Did you have to get 2 rooms or were you able to get extra beds for the kids?

  8. Time is more valuable than possessions.

  9. […] drastically from urban to very volcanic and mountainous. We made our way over and checked in to the ION Adventure Hotel, near Þingvellir National Park. We enjoyed a delicious dinner there (no puffins on the menu!), and […]

  10. […] Hotels Book: Edition 2016 When we stayed at the Ion Hotel in Iceland I fell in love with this book. Would love to have a copy for our coffee table to remind us of our […]

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