Jug Handle State Natural Reserve

Jug Handle State Natural Reserve Mendocino County Beaches Coastal Scruff Jug Handle State Natural Reserve Mendocino County Beaches Jug Handle State Natural Reserve Jug Handle State Natural Reserve Mendocino County Beaches Jug Handle State Natural Reserve Mendocino County Beaches Mendocino County Beaches

We didn’t have the light on our side when we made this stop, so the coastal prairie was our area of choice. Jug Handle State Natural Reserve features a 2.5 mile Ecological Staircase trail that spans from the coastal prairie and beach all the way to the highest terrace in the redwoods. Steve clocked a lot of flight time during this trip, but I can’t say that I mind. While he flies I usually relax, or explore to take my own photos. I spent a lot of time watching the whales from this point, they were very active at this particular location. It reminded me of our trip to Cabo San Lucas, except the whales there would frequently breach. Either way, I still get excited when I see a telltale spout in the distance.

Jug Handle State Natural Reserve (www)
15501 North Highway 1
Caspar, California 95420

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Responses to “Jug Handle State Natural Reserve”

  1. These photos are breathtaking!

    Connie | Sponsored by Coffee | Bloglovin’

    1. Thank you, Connie! 🙂

  2. This sort of reminds me a bit like Point Lobos! Pretty.

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