Lexington Reservoir

1Q8A3327 1Q8A3329 1Q8A3334 1Q8A33421Q8A3339-2 1Q8A3346 1Q8A3358 1Q8A33611Q8A3366-2 1Q8A3371 1Q8A3380 1Q8A3382-2 1Q8A3372 1Q8A3389 1Q8A3387 1Q8A3391

Fall always seems like a time of the year that my soul just craves to slow down. There is so much change around, I just want to take roots, relax, and enjoy the world around me. As much as we love to explore, we also cling to the familiar. Personally I’m making big changes in a few major facets of my life right now. I’ll have more to share later, but for now there is lots of hard work ahead. Just as unsteady feet on the dock courageously press on, so must we, life moves forward with or without us. It has a way of showing us that sometimes even in our seemingly darkest hours there is a light up ahead and it’s worth it to press on. Whenever I feel like my head is just bobbing above the water I take a minute to reconnect with the earth. It’s amazing the power that something as simple as a sunset can have on you. It is so humbling to acknowledge the beauty and power of mother nature from the mountains, to the trees, to the waters of her seas. Inhale, exhale… Repeat.

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Response to “Lexington Reservoir”

  1. beautiful! I love being by the water 🙂

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