Love is all you Need.

One month into the new year already, how time flies! I hope that your year is off to a great start. Mine has been the age-old dance of one step forward, two steps back. And yet, I’m ever grateful for the opportunity to begin again. Every morning I wake up I’m grateful for another day of breathing, of hoping, of dreaming, of loving.

This winter has been exceptionally stormy. As much as California needs rain to help with the severe drought, I’ve found myself straddling the line between thankful and unhappy. The rain came hard and fast, unable to soak into the dehydrated landscape. In its wake the storms left behind damaging mudslides, fallen trees, people without power, and much water where there should not be. Our local dry creek bed hosted at least six feet of water. Hopefully the rain will continue through spring, in a gentler form.

“Attention is the most basic form of love. By paying attention we let ourselves be touched by life, and our hearts naturally become more open and engaged.”

– Tara Brach

Unable to spend time outside lead me inward instead, on a path to myself. The last month has been one of healing, both physically and mentally. Searching for answers to questions that have gone unanswered for the last few years is exhausting, and after dozens of doctor appointments I’m only now beginning to scratch the surface.

Things of note:

I am so excited to finally launch a service this month. After many requests, Minimal Closet Coaching is coming!

As always, please don’t hesitate to comment or reach out with any suggestions, questions, or if you just need someone to talk to. I’m always here.

xo, jessica
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Response to “Love is all you Need.”

  1. Ross Kane

    Love is all you need, but the way they love might not be the way you want. I feel the same. I have this group of friends, and they love me, but there’s a tinge of hate behind it. I don’t need a love-hate relationship with my friends. In truth, I barely know them.

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