It was nearly 11AM when we woke. I was angry at myself for wasting the morning, but relieved that I had a few extra hours of sleep. The kids already ate breakfast and were entertaining themselves, something that is starting to happen more often. We had our normal conversation about how late it was and went over our to-do lists a few times but nothing seemed right. I guess we really are California beach bums because we headed to Moss Landing State Beach, somewhere we’ve never gone before.
Parking was free, easy, and the sand was warm. A huge pod of at least fifteen Humpback whales was showing off, easily viewed from the beach. We made the most of our day, playing musical hats, digging holes, and looking for shells. On the drive home we were treated to the most beautiful sunset we’ve ever seen in our life. Take that, Alaska!
The day started and ended late, but it was so, so good.
Post part of a Local Adventures Link Up.
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