Moss Landing State Beach

Fog at Moss Landing State Beach, in Moss Landing, California Moss Landing State Beach Flowers on sand dunes near Moss Landing, California Fog at Moss Landing State Beach, in Moss Landing, California Little Explorer in Moss Landing, California Moss at Moss Landing, California Fog at Moss Landing State Beach, in Moss Landing, California Moss at Moss Landing, California Bird tracks at Moss Landing State Beach Flowers on sand dunes near Moss Landing, California Little Explorer Chambray and Straw Fedora Moss Landing State Beach No Parking Zone at Moss Landing State Beach, in Moss Landing, California

Now that school is out Søren and I have an extra guest (sometimes two) on our Little Explorer outings. We headed to Moss Landing State Beach recently and although the weather was not sunny, it was perfect. During our visit last August, we spent most of our time whale watching and basking in the sun. One of our favorite things about this beach is that even in the height of the season, it isn’t crowded. Parking is free and easy, and the restroom situation is questionable at best. The beach provides plenty of wildlife sightings, with birds, otters, sea lions, and whales nearby.

Søren was very excited to be at the beach but he still lacks some basic beach etiquette. His favorite activity is demolishing anything Aiden makes, so a beach trip is not always without a few bumps along the way. He is all kinds of closed eyes, gaped mouth smiling happy about spending more time with Aiden. Aiden, however, is still adjusting to Summer break so he keeps his distance some of the time. I think my favorite moments will be the quiet ones when they play nicely together. I’m sure Søren will outgrow the “Threenager” phase at some point. He has to, right?

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Responses to “Moss Landing State Beach”

  1. This beach looks so peaceful!
    I also definitely know how that “threenager” phase goes. I have so many family members that have kids this age!
    I apologize if this is somewhere else on your blog, but what camera do you use for your photos?
    Thanks 🙂

    1. It always is peaceful. 🙂

      I use a Canon 5DMKIII with a Canon 35mm F/1.4L lens about 99.9% of the time. I also have a photo tips series that you might be interested in ( ).

  2. This place looks so cold! Was it? I am coming to visit California and would love some tips on what to pack and do.

    1. It wasn’t too cold. 🙂 I have a couple of posts on packing for California:

      And here are a couple of city guides too:

      Hope that helps!

  3. Hi Jessica! Even a foggy day is a pretty one. So I have a request — and you’re just the girl to ask. My husband and I are thinking of a last-minute driving getaway over Fourth of July weekend. We want some place warm. We may even want to bring our puppy. Other than wine country, where do you suggest we go? 🙂

    1. If you’re looking to relax, what about Tahoe?

      Or if you don’t mind a further drive, Santa Barbara was super pup friendly and beautiful.:

  4. This is such a beautiful area. We are fortunate to have family that lives in that area and to live close enough that we can visit. Great photos!

  5. Sunny or not, these photos are stunning. I think the fog almost sets the mood and adds some character. The fedoras on the kids are too cute as well! XO


  6. Lovely photos! I love your flower photos! With how overcast it was, it looked like the perfect kind of beach day! Your kiddo, by the way, is such a cutie 🙂 xoxoxo

  7. Beautiful photos! That kind of day is my favorite to spend at the beach, especially one like that. It sounds like such a great place!

  8. What are those stacks in the pictures?

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