Mountain Adventures


1. Pine Tree Mobile / 2. Nature Print / 3. Log Vase / 4. Outta Town Tote / 5. Travel Game Pad / 6. Big Sur Cabin Spray / 7. Yosemite Poster / 8. Bear Travel Pillow / 9. Sleep Set / 10. Bear Feet Wool Slippers

These goodies all remind me of the great outdoors. I’d love to take the game pad on a trip to keep the kids occupied in our down time.

Which item is your favorite? Do you have anything special that reminds you of the mountains or lake?

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Responses to “Mountain Adventures”

  1. Adorable picks! I love that pine tree mobile, that is adorable.

  2. I want adult PJs like that, and I’d be so set for the fall months. Then again, it doesn’t get chilly in California does it. There goes my spending in Canada for Fall clothes.

    ‘The Guy’ would love some of these picks too. Great find on the log vase..

    1. It gets cold enough. 😛 Here are some women’s bear pajamas!

  3. That sleep set is so cute! Does in come in adult sizes? Lol! And I love those slippers 🙂

    1. I think only kids, but there are these black and white bear pajamas !

  4. I love all of those mountain-inspired items. The baby mobile is so neat and the pajamas are adorable!

  5. I would love those cozy pajamas! They remind me of a cabin in the mountains and a roaring fire.

  6. I am not a mountain kind of gal unfortunately. However, to answer your question, my fav is the tote bag. Great colors and I like canvas material for tote bags.

    Thrifting Diva

  7. I love the pajamas. How adorable!

  8. i love that print / poster of yosemite. it’s one of my all time favorite places.

  9. These are all such cute items! I want to get that travel game pad!

  10. OMG, those little bear feets are totes adorb! And I never use that phrase, lol!

  11. really cool collection! i love #7, 9 & 10!

  12. The bear pajamas and the bear feet!! I love those!

  13. Oh the bear feet! They are just so cute and look so warm and cosy! I discovered yesterday that all my life I have pronounced Yosemite wrong. I can’t even remember the correct pronunciation! #FAIL

    Katie <3

  14. That mobile is so cute! I’m with Nancy, I’d totally rock adult PJs like that!

  15. Love that tote!

  16. Crushing on those bear feet wool slippers! Darling!

  17. Living in Arizona, I love this and makes me want to escape to the mountains.

    Have a great weekend!

    Dee from

  18. I like 9 the sleeper set, I always carry my pjs when going away for the weekend lol I leave everything else but not my sleeper set

  19. OH MY GOSH I love so many of your picks! Now I gotta get shopping!

  20. That bag is so cute

  21. Love your picks! Those travel games are awesome!

  22. jessica

    Great picks! I really like the tote!

  23. My son would have loved that pajama and those slippers when he was smaller! Great choices!

  24. I love the wooden vase. Absolutely gorgeous is my husbands rustic office. I love your inspiration board. Fantastic!

  25. Cute picks! I really like the cute little bear. 🙂

    Love the new header by the way.

    1. Thanks! 🙂

  26. Beautiful! I love that Yosemite poster!

  27. Any kind of board game or card game greatly reminds me of being in a cabin! My mom often rented cabins for us to spend a few days in during our Christmas break and pretty much all we did the whole time was eat and play games.

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