McKinney Creek Beach

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Some days we just prefer the quiet sound of nature. We found a small public beach at Lake Tahoe between a couple of private beaches and made it our hang out for a day. Sand Harbor was pretty crowded so it was a nice escape. There were only a few other people to share with while the boys explored a very slow moving McKinney Creek. The boys spent their time moving rocks and creating a dam, even finding baby fish to carefully observe. Søren kept calling the fish, “lizards”, and Aiden became quite good at catching them. I tried to offer my rock-skipping skills but neither of them were interested. Most of the day was simply spent enjoying the company of the lake during the summer, a strong contrast to our last winter visit.

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Responses to “McKinney Creek Beach”

  1. stunning photos! that place looks amazing!

  2. Beautiful photos and vistas! Perfect summer getaway destination.. The boys are so adorable 🙂

    1. Thank you! It was great for summer, haven’t been during summer since we were kids !

  3. Looks like such a stunning place to visit.

  4. Beautiful photos!! Looks so fun!

  5. Gorgeous photos!! This makes me miss my summer vacation so much. It looks like you all had a wonderful time.

  6. These pictures are beautiful and they seem to have some pretty nice memories stored in them too! <3

  7. Love finding secluded areas to spend time with the loved ones. I cannot stand a busy beach or place when I plan on relaxing. Srsly.

  8. Those pictures are gorgeous! Looks like you guys really had a wonderful time!

  9. What a beautiful place! I love being near the water, so relaxing!

  10. Looks like you had a great time. Beautiful pics!

  11. Ahhh, I miss Lake Tahoe! When I lived in Washington State, a group of friends and I would go up there right before summer was ending! I loved your motion picture also! Great photos!

  12. What a great adventure! Love the reflection photos in particular, and the silver fish catch. 😀 Have you seen the new app by Instagram, Hyperlapse? It’s for iOS only, but it’s a time-lapse motion-stablization video capturing app, and it’s an awesome way to smoothly capture moments like your car ride. 🙂


    1. Yes, I have it. I just haven’t had the time to do something good with it. I think tomorrow will present a good opportunity. 🙂 The car ride was 3.5 hours though, I’m not sure if that would max it out.

  13. Your photos are all so beautiful! this makes me want to visit Tahoe desperately.

  14. I love the photos and it looks like you all were having a great time.

  15. You did an amazing job capturing the moments. I’ve never been to Lake Tahoe, but I’ve heard it’s absolutely beautiful and now, I have no doubt.

  16. It looks like such a stunning place to visit!

  17. Great photos! Looks like a wonderful time.

  18. Wow… I really need to visit Lake Tahoe!! Looks stunning!

  19. Sigh. Looks wonderful and relaxing. Beautiful photos – i think the one of your little guy in the background with you holding a fish in front is my favorite though.

  20. My goodness that place looks so peaceful! And as always, your photos are incredible!

  21. Gorgeous photos! Looks like an amazing escape!

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