My Favorite Cranberry Sauce

My favorite cranberry sauce recipe

Today I’m sharing with you my favorite cranberry sauce recipe. It’s based on my favorite recipe for jam that I started making years ago. Each year I’ve made slight changes to the flavor and consistency, and this year I think is my favorite. It’s thick and not too sweet or tart.

My favorite cranberry sauce recipe My favorite cranberry sauce recipe

My favorite cranberry sauce recipe

Favorite Cranberry Sauce Recipe


16 oz (1 package) fresh cranberries
1 c of sugar
zest of 1 orange
1 stick of cinnamon (or appropriate amount of powdered)
1/3 – 1/2c orange juice


1. Add all ingredients except juice to pot.
2. Add 1/3c – 1/2c orange juice to pot depending on how thick you want your sauce to be.
3. Cover with lid and cook on medium heat until all cranberries have popped (20-30 minutes). Check often as it may bubble over.
4. Remove from heat and let cool to warm. Transfer to serve dish and cover. I always use a jar because it’s easy for storage and functional.
5. Store in refrigerator until ready to serve. Can be served warm or cool.

I don’t know exact serving size, but this dish has always been enough to serve for Thanksgiving with some left over. And it’s a hit for friendsgiving celebrations too!

My favorite cranberry sauce recipe

What are some of your favorite Thanksgiving dishes?

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Response to “My Favorite Cranberry Sauce”

  1. […] before our trip there for my friend Reichel‘s friendsgiving dinner. I promised to bring the my favorite cranberry sauce, and sticky-bottom carrots as a side dish. The weather looked clear, and we just hoped that some of […]

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