Packing Tips for Multiple Climates

Packing tips for changing climates, what to do when you're traveling from one temperature to another.

One of the biggest challenges I face when packing for a trip, is not always packing for the destination, but for the journey itself. I find a question I am asked frequently is how to pack for multiple climates, in just a carry on.

This Summer we visited Iceland, and while it was going to be 50F there, we left our home when it was 90F. We’re in Hawaii right now and it’s 85F with humidity here, but at home when we left it was merely 60F. Today I’m sharing some of my best packing tips for multiple climates.

Dress in layers.
I feel like this is a very obvious answer, but it’s one that may not come to someone’s mind at first. If you are traveling from somewhere warm to cool, you can wear something like leggings and a camisole, then put on a sweater once you get to the airport or arrive at your destination.

Pack versatile clothing.
Combined with dressing in layers, packing clothing that can be smartly layered is a good idea. This includes items such as camisoles, t-shirts, light sweaters, leggings, etc.

Plan your travel outfit ahead.
In the grid step of my packing process, I actually include my travel outfit in the first day’s square. My default travel outfit for going from one type of weather to another is a camisole or light dress, light sweater, leggings, and shoes depending on where my final destination will be. On the way to Iceland I wore boots, but on the way to Hawaii I wore sandals.

Do you have a special outfit you wear or packing tips for travel from one climate to another?

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Responses to “Packing Tips for Multiple Climates”

  1. This is the best, literally this season here is both summer and winter some days..

    1. In California too! We have really cool mornings, and hot afternoons, especially in the Summer.

  2. I don’t have a method but kind of just wing it! I’m doing LA and also skiing in the same trip over christmas so this is a problem i’m going to be facing pretty soon!

    Abigail Alice x

  3. I am a huge planner when it comes to multiple climates. I am afraid I will either pack too light or too heavy,

    Amanda || http://www.fortheloveofglitter. com

  4. I don’t travel much these days, but these tips would be handy for those who do. I can’t image the size suitcase you would need for multiple climates. Great tips and thanks for sharing!

  5. yes yes yes to versatile!! thanks for this post -so helpful!
    Southern Elle Style

  6. Mary Keegan

    Dress in layers is always big for me!! It saves so much space when packing. These are great tips- thanks for sharing!

  7. I love these tips! While we don’t travel very often, the times we do I find that we’re always headed to an area that has completely different weather than us. I have found that wearing layers is my best friend! I do this a lot on a daily basis anyway — so that really helps.

  8. I’ve been doing a lot of travel lately and it gets easier with time, but I definitely haven’t mastered traveling through different climates. Thanks for the tips.

    Dasha |

  9. This is so handy as I’m preparing to pack for various locations in Italy! Thanks for the tips!
    xx, Bri ||

  10. Kelssey

    Yes! Dressing in layers is key! Always my number one tip when packing for places you aren’t familiar with or where temps vary!

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