Pink Peonies

Pink Peonies Pink Peonies Pink peony flowers Pink peony flowers Pink peony flowers

With the anticipation of Spring strong in my mind, these pink peonies are the perfect inspiration for the change in seasons. The weather is warm in California this week and the sunshine mentality is strong. While I am not a huge fan of Summer, Spring is my sweet spot. The weather is cool in the evenings, and warm enough in the day to go with only a light sweater. It’s my absolute favorite. I still can’t believe I managed to find these beauties in the off-season.

Pink peony flowers

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Responses to “Pink Peonies”

  1. beauties indeed! peonies are such pretty flowers and you captured them perfectly!
    Southern Elle Style

  2. Pink peonies are my favorites. They are so super gorgeous! Your photos are really lovely!
    Karen |

  3. Peonies are literally my favorite flower with ranunculus as a close second. What is your favorite place to get fresh flowers?

    x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina

  4. I loooove these flowers!

  5. gorgeous! those are my favorite flowers! 🙂

  6. Trader Joe’s better be gettin’ some peonies in soon. Gah. I didn’t buy any last year! #FauxPaux

  7. These are simple beautiful! Pink peonies are one of my favorite flowers, so gorgeous!



  8. One of my favorite flowers! They bloom so beautifully!!

  9. […] peonies are my favorite, second only to Pink Peonies. I love that these ones have the tiniest hint of pink in the center, a detail someone may miss if […]

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