White Peonies in the Spring

White peonies in a vase. White peonies in a vase. White peonies in a vase. White peonies in a vase. White peonies in a vase.

My very favorite flowers to have around the house are peonies. They’re so delicate looking, yet full and sturdy at the same time. They show up around early Spring and last until the first frost arrives in the Fall. I don’t grow them in my yard, but I love to pick them up at the local market when they’re in season. I always know it’s time for Spring when I see them. Sometimes I get really lucky and find them off-season.

White peonies are my favorite, second only to Pink Peonies. I love that these ones have the tiniest hint of pink in the center, a detail someone may miss if they’re not looking.

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Response to “White Peonies in the Spring”

  1. Hi,
    Excellent post. I love white peonies flower. I also plant my outside yard. It looks so beautiful and increases beauty my house. I love gardening. Please tell me about your pink peonies plants tips.

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