Seattle Inspired Office


1. Seattle Print / 2. Clamp Desk Lamp / 3. Pig Book Ends / 4. Skyline Desk Organizer / 5. Raindrop Wall Stickers / 6. Cloud Wall Shelf / 7. Celine Desk / 8. Eames Chair

Our latest trip was to Seattle, Washington and since I haven’t done a post in my Places + Spaces series for a few months I decided it was time to share one. This is a fun Seattle inspired office.

1. Seattle Print / I thought the colors in this were beautiful and based the room around it.
2. Clamp Desk Lamp / This reminds me of the giant container cranes used to unload ships.
3. Pig Book Ends / These reminded me of the pig from Pike Place Market.
4. Skyline Desk Organizer / Not specifically Seattle, but reminded me of it anyway.
5. Raindrop Wall Stickers / These are the sweetest decals for the wall, use to pattern a single wall?
6. Cloud Wall Shelf / Because clouds and Seattle seem to just go together.
7. Celine Desk / This desk has been on my wishlist for awhile now, love the clean lines.
8. Eames Chair / Our hotel in Seattle had a similar Eames rocking chair and Søren loved it.

This post is part of my Places + Spaces series where I share a room design based on a specific location. To view all of the posts in the series, please click here. Do you have a specific place you’d like me to design a room around? Feel free to ask in the comments below!

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Responses to “Seattle Inspired Office”

  1. I love the posts you come up with! I can’t wait to see where you travel to next.

    1. Thanks! I’m sharing our next destination soon. 🙂

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