Plum Blossoms in the Spring

Plum blossoms, pink-hued and beautiful in the Spring. Plum blossoms, pink-hued and beautiful in the Spring. Plum blossoms, pink-hued and beautiful in the Spring. Plum blossoms, pink-hued and beautiful in the Spring. Plum blossoms, pink-hued and beautiful in the Spring.

We have this tree in our front yard. It’s a plum tree, I’m sure. I never quite get to the fruit on it because the squirrels steal it and run away before I can even tell it’s there. In the Spring time it produces the most beautiful pink-tinted plum blossoms.

Growing up in the central valley I was surrounded by orchards, and in the Spring time they would be covered in what we liked to call “popcorn”. The plum trees always stood apart for me with their beautiful pink hued blooms. It was as if they wanted to say to the world, “Look at me, I’m different!”

I’m not usually one to love bud-type blooms in a vase, but I cut away a few stray branches (that needed to be trimmed anyway), and put them in a vase. The purple foliage and baby pink flowers look so different when compared to a traditional bouquet, but I really like them. They’ve grown on me, and I think they’ll grow on others as well. When I brought them into the house my older son and I had the following conversation:

“Oh, so you cut those off the tree in the front yard?”.
“Yes, they’re plum blossoms.”
“They’re really pretty. I like them.”

As the Mom of a pre-teen, I’m proud that he’s able to look beyond conventional beauty. Swoon. Keep it up, kid.

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Responses to “Plum Blossoms in the Spring”

  1. These photographs are stunning!

  2. These pictures are beautiful! These flowers have me ready for spring.



  3. These blossoms are very pretty! I like that they are an unconventional choice to display in your home. The photos are very beautiful
    The Frugal Fashionista

  4. I love this story and I way you told it. Your writing is simply marvelous & this plum tree looks like it would definitely have delicious plums! xx

  5. Stunning photos! I think bud-blooms are such a different look in a vase in the springtime.

    Molly | Hey There Sunshine

  6. You know, not many people talk about plum blossoms. It’s always cherry blossoms. I think I like plum ones better!

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