Team Beach near Santa Cruz

Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California

Last week the weather was particularly warm in California so we decided to hit up the beach. We’ve been to all of the popular beaches in our area, so we ventured out to try a new and lesser known one. We visited Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California and although we hadn’t heard of it before it seemed to be very popular among the locals. The beach was so packed that it was hard for me to get a photo that didn’t include other people in it. This says a lot because as a professional photographer, I feel like this is a skill I have down to a science from photographing my clients in public areas. Anyway, it was a particularly warm holiday in Spring so I’m sure the beach isn’t always crowded.

Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California

There is a small stream that comes through the rock-faced cliffside, then finds it’s way to the ocean. The boys had a blast playing in it and created their own little rock dam from river rocks and sand. It didn’t hold back any water, but they still had fun creating it. In true Northern California fashion, there are also a lot of natural rock formations, one of which has a tunnel that leads to Panther Beach, just to the south. Most of the people who showed up seemed to visit this beach and I’ve heard that it is the better looking one of the two.

Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California Team Beach near Santa Cruz, California

All in all we had a pretty good day at the beach. The weather was perfect and despite the crowds, we were able to keep to ourselves and enjoy the coastline.

Team Beach
CA-1, Santa Cruz, CA 95060

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Responses to “Team Beach near Santa Cruz”

  1. These are gorgeous pictures! What a pretty place.

  2. I’ve never heard of Team Beach before. It looks like a great little spot!

  3. Stunning pictures! I’ve never heard of this beach but it honestly looks like paradise. x

  4. These photos are SO crazy amazing… I want to be magically transported to California right now! Clearly the boys had a blast – who wouldnt? Thanks for sharing!
    Karen |

  5. Love your hair! So long and beautiful!

    x. Sabrina | Simply Sabrina

  6. I really miss those easy beach days, and the more the weather turns into beach weather the more I miss living in California! xx

  7. Molly Moon

    You captured such gorgeous photos!

    Molly | Hey There Sunshine

  8. These photos are gorgeous! You are so lucky you live near the beach.

    Amanda ||

  9. these photos are stunning!! LOVE those shorts

    xoxo, Preeti

  10. thanks for the relaxing photos-wishing i was at the beach right now 🙂
    Southern Elle Style

  11. It looks like a private beach just for your family, it is absolutely gorgeous and it looks like the boys were having a great time!

    Brooke |

  12. […] of the house too. Whether it’s a picnic, a bike ride, or a beach trip. Last week we visited Team Beach, and today I’m sharing a little trip we took to Mitchell’s Cove Beach in Santa Cruz, […]

  13. […] definitely got our workout in for the day, but my legs weren’t too sore when compared to our hike to Team Beach last month. Taking photos of ourselves proved to be challenging on such a small boat, but I was […]

  14. […] easy walk down. It’s not quite stroller friendly, but the hike down was very easy compared to other beaches we’ve been to lately. Davenport Landing contained enough magic to keep us interested all day, from hiking around the […]

  15. That is a great beach. But we’re a little biased when we say that Saebright Beach is still our personal favorite. S’mores at sunset anyone?

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