Printable To-Do List

I don’t know if it’s just me this year, but I feel like the entire month of January has been one huge case of the Monday’s. At the start of the month I felt so energized and ready to take on so many huge goals I’ve had but the excitement faded a bit when life got in the way. I start a project and get interrupted only to forget where I was and having to recount each step along the way. It’s not productive.

I often keep a to-do list next to my computer, and even use my google calendar for some of my to-do’s, but nothing really satisfies me like crossing something off of an actual list. I do lots of work on a “week-by-week” basis, so I’ve created a weekly to-do list so that I can plan my week accordingly. I include my ‘must-do’ items at the top, and organize others by times of day or priority.

I’m sharing my printable to-do list with you today just in case you might need a little boost in productivity like I did. It prints in 5×7″ size, so you can either use 5×7″ paper, or print two on one piece of paper. If you get really fancy you can even print 4, 2 on each side. I like to keep mine on a small clipboard so I don’t lose it as easily.

You can download the file here or click on the image below.
Free printable weekly to-do list

Free printable to-do list

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Responses to “Printable To-Do List”

  1. I’m always making a to-do list for myself. I love the act of crossing an item off once it’s finished. Thanks for the printable!
    Charlene The Frugal Fashionista

    1. Isn’t it so satisfying?! Thanks for reading. 🙂

  2. You know, I really need to organize myself (and my life) and get on the whole planner/to-do list kick. Thanks for sharing your printables!

  3. love this! i should be using this instead of a ratty piece of notebook paper, haha
    Southern Elle Style

  4. I am a major list maker. I even make little boxes for myself to check off after I’ve completed the task. These are really great printables – love the classic chic look to them! Thanks lady!
    Karen |

  5. I need this in my life! Such a great way to organize your thoughts for the week!


  6. This is such a fabulous idea and thanks so much for the printable list!
    Such beautiful bright photos too!
    CS Gems

  7. I am in love with this to do list!!! Thank you so much for sharing!!


  8. I definitely need these in my life.

  9. […] In a normal workday I typically use Adobe Lightroom, Adobe Photoshop, Dropbox, WordPress, and a weekly to-do list. The HP Spectre has been very good with handling my file-heavy image files and editing […]

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