As I grow older, I find that my New Year’s resolutions have become less specific and are more broad in their approach. My goals for 2017 were to be intentional, live with less, and make time for myself. I feel like I definitely was able to achieve the first two as I no longer make decisions based on impulse, and after our big move we’re living with less than we ever have before. The last goal was where I stumbled a bit, and let’s face it, don’t we all struggle with making time for ourselves?
My goals for 2018 are simple:
“I will prioritize my health.”
This year while I of course aim to do better in my quest for simple living, a greener planet, and being kind to everyone (whether it’s someone who has done me wrong or the person who makes my shoes), I also aim to make even more time for my health. Because I have one body and if I don’t take care of it, how can I use it to spend time with those I love and cherish most? How can I do the things that I love when my health is on the decline?
I will make time for more than just bubble baths. I will make time for my physical and mental health. I will quit taking my body for granted and make more conscious decisions about what I allow myself to eat. I am already notoriously dedicated to buying organic and other healthy versions of food, but that doesn’t mean that I easily stay away from things that aren’t good for my body. Sugar is my biggest vice and I hope to be able to kick it to the curb for next year. It sounds crazy, but living with PCOS is always something that I have to think about because it never goes away.
Inspirational reading…
- Why “Minimalism” Should Be Your 2018 Resolution
- How to Clean Out Your Closet
- This Is What ‘Self-Care’ REALLY Means
- Noticing: Connecting with Our Kids in the Midst of Busy Lives
- 10 Ways to Practice Mindful Eating
- The Grays of Our Lives – On clothes, color, and anxiety.
- 7 Things Successful Women Do in January
- Free Printable To-Do List
- A Simpler Way to Do the New Year
- Love is Not Enough.
Do you set yearly resolutions or goals? What are your goals for 2018?
See other yearly thoughts: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.
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