2016 Resolutions

2016 resolutions. live, love, laugh. 2016 resolutions. live, love, laugh. 2016 resolutions. live, love, laugh. 2016 resolutions. live, love, laugh. 2016 resolutions. live, love, laugh.

My 2016 resolutions are simple, almost as simple as last year‘s goal of “no goals”, ha!

I want to live life to the fullest. Sometimes it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day or work. I want to say yes more and do more of the things that scare me. I want to feel alive every single day, instead of just go through the motions. Living intentionally has been on my mind for awhile, so moving towards making every choice intentional is my end goal. I want the focus to be on more living and less stuff. I have had some health issues plaguing me and I want to work those out as well, which means being more active and devoted to a healthy lifestyle.

My family is my world. I want to prioritize more time for them, and I plan to do so by working less. I’ve been actively looking to accept help wherever I can, even if it’s a hard one for me. I also want to show love by loving others more fully. For me this means being more charitable, giving freely, and supporting companies and products that do so as well. My feel good guide was just a start, and I know it only scratches the surface, but you have to start somewhere, right?

Life is so serious. Sometimes I feel like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders, even if I really don’t. Being a mom isn’t easy and work isn’t always easy, but I have to quit being so hard on myself and just know that I’m doing the best that I can. My life won’t always be perfect and sometimes things slide, but I have to allow myself to be happy too. On that note, I’ll be actively working to surround myself with only things that make me happy, just like Marie Kondo says. Everyone knows I love flowers, so a huge thanks to ProFlowers for sending the beautiful flowers in this post over to serve as a reminder of my resolutions.

Overall I just want to lead a healthier and happier lifestyle. I’ve never been able to find a perfect work/life balance but I want to be able to ride the waves of it more easily and be less stressed.

What are your resolutions for this year?

See other yearly thoughts: 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009.

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Responses to “2016 Resolutions”

  1. My goal is to be kinder…keeping it simple and positive.

    1. I love this. 🙂

  2. love the floral arrangement and all your goals! mine are similar! here’s to a happy and healthy 2016!

    xoxo, Preeti

  3. These are definitely excellent resolutions, and they’re super broad so we can all use a little advice from your resolutions! I want to smile more because I get anxious and have a lot of worries about EVERYTHING. My mom (while growing up) sort of trained me to be prepared for the worst so I have the sensation to think of all that could go wrong, and now it gives me anxiety and makes me so awkward and hesitant. I hate it! I want to break out of it in 2016! xx adaatude.com

  4. Great resolutions for 2016! My resolutions are to focus on my health and my recovery from my accident and to grow my blog
    Charlene xo
    The Frugal Fashionista

  5. Such simple yet impactful goals to have! Cheers to a wonderful 2016!

    Brooke | http://www.kbstyled.com

  6. Brianne

    Great resolutions!

    Xo, Brianne

  7. What a beautiful post – I’m really loving the simplistic approach! Happy 2016! xo

  8. […] the start of the year I mentioned that one of my goals was to be more devoted to a healthy lifestyle. I’ve had some […]

  9. […] 2017 resolutions are a little more refined than the simple ones I chose last year. Last year I wanted to live life to the fullest, love with all my heart, and laugh (a.k.a. be […]

  10. […] other yearly thoughts: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, […]

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