The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up


While waiting to depart for a flight, I always make a usual stop at the airport store to buy things like water, and snacks. Before my trip to Grand Cayman, I came across the book, The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo, and purchased it here. I’ve seen it around and have been dying to read it, so I was really excited to delve into it on my long flights. I finished it before I returned home from my trip and have started to put a few of the principles into place. I started with my closet, which happens to contain way more than 50 items. Oops.

Sort your closet and find the items that bring joy.

The main idea of the book is that you should surround yourself with only things that bring you joy. I love it because it doesn’t put silly limits on things or suggest that you throw out your favorite mementos. It simply states that you should only keep items around you that bring you joy (and that you can care for properly). So if you think a collection of 600 purses brings you joy, it might. But it also might not be well cared for. The book asks you touch each item to make a heartfelt decision whether or not to keep the item.

It breaks down each section of your house to clean it all out in one fell swoop, and then also gives wonderful tips on organizing and how you should keep all of one type of item in the same place. It was an interesting read for me and although I do keep my home lean, I’m really excited to put it into place and see where it takes me. Today I’ll be on snapchat all day (@hejdoll) going through my clothes, feel free to follow along or check-in if you’d like.

The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

Have you read this book? Did you enjoy it? Did it inspire you to clean out your living space?

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Responses to “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”

  1. I wanna read it too! I’m so ready to get rid of a buncha crap (especially if we have to continue moving it from house-to-house, urgh!).

    1. Yessss. It feels nice to clean stuff out.

  2. I neeeeed to read this….so bad.

    1. It’s great! So many people on my instagram photo raved about it.

  3. i’ve read it all the way through, but haven’t yet implemented it. i started on clothing and then instead of just doing my whole house, it fell to the backburner. i’m attempting it again though, hopefully before the new year! 🙂

    1. jessica

      Aww. I think you should start now! I started with clothing and am going to do shoes when I come back from our next trip, then continue on.

  4. […] trees soon. I’ve put a lot more thought into my purchases lately, especially after reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I want to buy items that are timeless and will last for quite some time. Below is my fall wishlist […]

  5. […] as well. I feel like I’m always on a decluttering spree in his room. Perhaps he should read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up? Ha! I’m trying to instill some of the principles in him without being too pushy or making […]

  6. […] Spark Joy by Marie Kondo Awhile back I read The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo and have since started to tidy my entire life up. I’ve been taking my time […]

  7. […] I’ll be actively working to surround myself with only things that make me happy, just like Marie Kondo says. Everyone knows I love flowers, so a huge thanks to ProFlowers for sending the beautiful […]

  8. […] I cleaned out my closet as the first step in tidying my home, but I was left with a bunch of clothes with different futures and not a lot of very present […]

  9. […] too long ago, I started my Spring Cleaning. But before that, after reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, I made quite a few changes and tidied a lot of my home. The process has honestly taken a lot […]

  10. […] trees soon. I’ve put a lot more thought into my purchases lately, especially after reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. I want to buy items that are timeless and will last for quite some time. Below is my fall wishlist […]

  11. […] really pare my closet down. Yesterday I spent quite a few hours trying to hone in on which items bring me joy, and which don’t. Today I’m sharing some tips for how to clean out your closet using […]

  12. […] gift from a long-lost relative, or just a miss from someone closer, it’s okay. While reading The Life Changing Magic of Tidying up awhile back, I learned that a gift’s main purpose is to bring joy to the person who is giving […]

  13. I loved it, my husband and I did an event. And it has sparked more than joy, it has made me way less indulgent in terms of shopping. It has helped me to be more mindful in the things I purchase and waste less time getting dressed in the morning. (Also, I love your blog, I come here all the time, we are setting off for Paris next week and this was my first stop for inspiration – would have missed my black turtle neck without it!) ♡

    1. That sounds so wonderful. I think my husband is not always as on board with it as I am, but he’s supportive either way. We will be in Paris next week too!

  14. […] Kondo Minimalism I’ve read both The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and Spark Joy, and all I can say is that they’re life changing. I know some naysayers, but […]

  15. […] to start by layering my outfits into a stack, then inserting it vertically into the bag (ala the Marie Kondo folding method). It is easiest if you stand the bag up on it’s side so that it stands […]

  16. […] capsule wardrobes and Marie Kondo becoming more widely-known, minimalism is something I’m hearing a lot more about lately. […]

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