My Favorite Minimalism Resources & Inspiration

With Spring Cleaning and decluttering at the forefront of my mind at this time of year, I’m in full-on declutter, live-with-less, zen mode. I’ve posted my fair share of information and thoughts on minimalism, but love to look for new inspiration as well. Minimalism to me is not the idea to rid yourself of all your possessions, but to only keep those that are functional (you need) or bring you joy. The items you surround yourself with should serve a purpose, not sit unloved or unused while life passes by. Today I’m sharing some of my favorite inspirations for minimalism, so be sure to check them out below.

Anuschka Rees
Fashion, Minimalism
I’ve always loved Anuschka’s style, and her thoughts on fashion. Her book, The Curated Closet, is a great read, and my favorite post of hers is her Closet Detox Sheet.

Becoming Minimalist
Lifestyle, Kids
Love his sensible approach to minimalism, views on life, and the fact that he (and his wife) have kids and make it work. What I really love is following along via Facebook because I see lots of articles I wouldn’t have read by just browsing.

Lifestyle, Minimalism
I just recently came across Aileen, but I really love her down-to-earth approach to minimalism. She has a #5DaystoMinimalism playlist on youtube that is wonderful.

Marie Kondo
I’ve read both The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and Spark Joy, and all I can say is that they’re life changing. I know some naysayers, but I’m ignoring them. She even has an app now to help you along!

Mark Manson
Intentional Living
Aside from being a minimalist, Mark is a talented writer. I was first introduced to his writing via The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck, and to say that it was life-changing would be an understatement. He has one of the only newsletters I subscribe to and actually read.

A little more in-depth with minimalism and real-life experience with Leo Babauta. My favorite post is 5 steps to declutter your closet.

No Sidebar
Simple Living
I recently discovered No Sidebar, and it’s beautiful aesthetics aside, I love the

Rachel Aust
Fitness, Home
My friend Reichel (ha!) turned me on to Rachel when she announced she has PCOS like I do. I checked out her channel and have been following along ever since. I love her no-nonsense approach to it, though her style is a bit more edgy than mine.

Shira Gill
Organization, Styling
Shira is another SF Bay Area local and I’m happy to have her in my circle. Her blog offers practical ideas for reducing clutter and organizing your home in a smart way.

The Minimalists
Minimalism, Intentional Living
I started following this blog after watching a TEDx Talk about becoming “rich” by owning less. It was one of my first crossings with minimalism, but is still inspirational to this day. They recently released a documentary called minimalism as well.

The Private Life of a Girl
Simple Living, Minimal Style
I discovered Sophie’s blog via bloglovin’ and although our aesthetic is a little different, her views and tips on simple living are absolutely spot on.

I’ve been in love with Caroline’s site ever since I came across her capsule wardrobe posts. She recently hosted a travel week on her blog too, but I might be partial because she asked for my input (fangirling here!)

Zen Habits
Leo’s writing is inspiring on it’s own, but I really enjoy how in-depth he goes, it makes it easier to understand the concepts he talks about.

On Hej Doll:
Motherhood & Minimalism
How to Add Warmth to Minimal Decor
5 Tips for Keeping a Minimal Closet
A Week in my Minimal Closet
50 Item Wardrobe

More Reading Material:

My Favorite Minimalism Resources and Inspiration

Do you follow any minimalist bloggers or have minimalism resources to share? I’m always looking to expand my list!

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Responses to “My Favorite Minimalism Resources & Inspiration”

  1. Light by Coco is another YouTuber (minimalist) that I watch, and enjoy. She’s from Holland, based in SF with her husband.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I think I’ve heard of her channel before in another place too so I’ll have to check her out. 🙂

  2. Thanks for sharing this list of minimalism resources and inspirations!! I’ve been working on accumulating less in my life and decluttering so I appreciate the resources.

  3. Adaleta

    Minimalism is very pretty, it allows you to enjoy all the natural beauty of a place! xx Adaleta

  4. I love the simple style it really lets you enjoy life rather then material things

  5. I love the minimalist style. Not sure I could pull it off, but love it.

    @trendyinindy ||

  6. I dream of going this route when we decide to downsize after all the kids are done with college. It would be such a big change in lifestyle but I am positive it will be for the best.

  7. I am a big fan of some of these websites and books. It is amazing how much more productive I am when I live a minimal lifestyle.

  8. So honored to be featured here among such great company and can’t wait to check out all of these in more details!! xx

  9. Courtney

    Simplicity Voices – a well curated site of inspiring daily reads.

    Thrilled to now have found your site. Bookmarked!

  10. I just love your articles about minimalism! Please, keep doing this type of content!

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