A Little Beach Getaway

Santa Cruz Highway 17 Dream Inn by Joie De Vivre Hotels in Santa Cruz, California Dream Inn by Joie De Vivre Hotels in Santa Cruz, California Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf Dream Inn by Joie De Vivre Hotels in Santa Cruz, California Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf Dream Inn by Joie De Vivre Hotels in Santa Cruz, California Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf Dream Inn by Joie De Vivre Hotels in Santa Cruz, California Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf Dream Inn by Joie De Vivre Hotels in Santa Cruz, California Santa Cruz Municipal Wharf at night

It’s not often that we are able to get away with just the two of us. We haven’t gone away together since our babymoon before Søren was born, so not too long ago we took our first quick trip away without the kids. We were only gone for one night and Nana came to visit for the night. On the way down it rained a bit but it seemed to clear up once we arrived. After checking in we grabbed a sunset dinner with friends then parted ways.

Where is your favorite place for a quick getaway?

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Responses to “A Little Beach Getaway”

  1. Hi Jessica! You need little getaways like that for the two of you! I think I’ve been to that same spot on the beach in Santa Cruz during my one visit down there with my husband. Lovely pictures, as always!

  2. Glad you had time just the two of you, it’s so important and such a great way to reconnect 🙂 And what a lovely beach house! xx

  3. That rainbow picture is so cool! This trip looks like fun. Even though I live in Florida just a few minutes from the beach, I love to take weekend trips to stay on the beach. It’s so relaxing!

  4. I have always wanted to stay at this hotel! It looks amazing! Quick getaways are usually to Big Sur, that is one of our special places.

  5. I haven’t ventured on the beach of Santa Cruz yet because we had Alfie with us and on the part where we went – it wasn’t dog friendly. Lameo.

    1. Twin lakes is dog friendly (on leash), and so is Mitchell Cove (off leash)! 🙂

      1. I think it was the one where the boardwalk was (or near).

  6. I’ve heard California has nice beaches, and it’s warm and sunny. I love you couple photos btw.

  7. So gorgeous! I love the picture with the rainbow. It’s so important to have little getaways without the kiddos–my husband and I love taking short road trips to nearby places in SC, NC, and GA when we get a chance!

  8. I wish I was there right beside you right now. How much fun.

  9. I have family in Santa Cruz but it’s been awhile since I’ve been there. It’s beautiful though.

  10. Beautiful shots!! Love that rainbow!

  11. I’d love to have a beach getaway with the one I love right now. In particular, I’d love to be on the Mackinac Island shore right now. I love that sound.

  12. I went to UCSC so Santa Cruz is another home away from home for me! I totally wanted to go back and stay at the dream inn too, but it was way too expensive during the summer months.

  13. Looks so pretty there! And what sweet photos of you and your husband!

  14. Adorable photos of the two of you! I love that picture of the seagulls tracks crossing the footprints! Glad you had a lovely time.

    Katie <3

  15. Looks like such a stunning getaway! I’d love to go on a couples trip, just me and my bf 🙂

  16. How fun, and how great you were able to get away! That picture of the two of you on the top is precious! 🙂

  17. Such precious photos! We love Santa Cruz. Any beach will do 🙂

  18. How nice of you to be able to get away together! Little trips like that are really important for relationships, no matter how far you go or how long/short the trip is 🙂

  19. I grew up in Monterey County and have a ton of family from Santa Cruz. I spent every summer there growing up and am actually going to visit family there soon! 🙂

  20. Such great photos! iIt looks so peacefully there.

  21. I’m SO CHARMED by the photo of you kissing with the camera in focus. So charmed.

  22. WOW!!! gorgeous photos!!! What a nice fun getaway with the hubs and without the kids?! wow, high five for you!!! =)
    May I ask what camera/lens you use?


    1. I use a Canon 5DMKIII and the lens I use most often is a 35mm F/1.4L 🙂 You can find more of my photo tips in my photo tips series here: http://www.teamwiking.com/category/life-at-home/photo-tips/

  23. looks like such a great getaway with the huz. 🙂 such a pretty rainbow shot. i wonder how it’s gonna be when we have kids. i’m terrified that our lives are going to be so different.

  24. So sweet! So glad you’re able to enjoy time together away from everything!

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