Back to School Shopping

Back to School Shopping
Above: Bull Eraser, Ruler Colored Pencil Set, Brass Pencil Sharpener, Black 2017 Planner, Le Pen 12-Color Set, Bento Box, Felt Pencil Case, Spiked Backpack, Blox Backpack

One of my favorite times of the year is when the boys go back to school. Not because I’ll have some time to myself (ha!), but because I enjoy helping them find the perfect school supplies. This is Soren’s first year in school, so it’s extra special. He will be starting pre-school and is so excited to be able to go to school like his big brother. Today I’m sharing a little round-up of some of my favorite school supplies, some kept in mind for them, and some more obviously for me.

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Responses to “Back to School Shopping”

  1. Great BTS picks! Love those edgy backpacks 🙂

  2. Shopping for school supplies is the one thing I miss from being in school! Those backpacks are too fun!

    Taylor |

  3. So many great picks, I love back to school shopping its one of my favourite activities!!

  4. That backpack is so cool! I love back to school shopping, it was always my favourite thing as a kid. I still get excited over new notebooks and pens!!
    Charlene The Frugal Fashionista

  5. Great picks! I love the spike backpack.

    Amanda ||

  6. what fun and unique items! i love the bull 🙂
    Southern Elle Style

  7. Such cool pieces! I wish we had those when I went to school!


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