Søren’s First Haircut

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Søren’s hair was getting a little too long in the back and started to resemble a rat tail, so at just over 22 months we finally made the cut. I fought it and held off for as long as I could, but sometimes the rat tail would give me chills in a bad way. The whole thing was pretty quick and dirty. Poor kid didn’t even get a cape to wear. We had to do it as quickly as possible and just acted like it was not a big deal. We sat him in his high chair with cartoons on the iPad and a tool he isn’t supposed to play with then went to town. It probably took around 3 minutes from start to finish. I kept a little keepsake for his memory jar and daddy is happy.


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Responses to “Søren’s First Haircut”

  1. Aww, that’s so sweet! We cut our little guy’s hair quite a few times (mine’s 22 months as well!), and it’s never easy! I get as much done as I possibly can and then leave it before he starts freaking out 😉

    1. Hahaha. Yes the iPad and stuff he wasn’t supposed to have was very helpful. I’m wondering if it will work next time though.

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