Tips For A Successful Staycation

Explore Your City - How To Be A Tourist In Your Own City

With Summer now in full swing, I’m aching for our next adventure. Between now and then we’re hanging out at home, enjoying all our area has to offer. Today I’m sharing with you my best tips for a successful staycation. What is a staycation? It’s a vacation you take locally, from the comfort of your own home. I would be lying if I said the thought of not having to deal with transit time and a toddler isn’t exciting. Below I’ve included some of my best tips to add a little wanderlust to your staycation.


Did you think you were going to get off easy? Do a little research and dive into the culture of your town. Book any activities that you need to ahead of time. I like to look for off-the-beaten path type guides, and connect with local tourism offices as well. I’d love to book a day cruise or helicopter flight around the San Francisco Bay.


Clean the towels and sheets, tidy up the place, pre-plan your outfits (or don’t, you’re not packing!), and add some charm with some fresh flowers. You can even hire a maid service to come tidy up and clean so you don’t have to.

Unplug & Relax

You’re on your own time now. You shouldn’t have to worry about being connected. Sleep in, get a massage, go to the spa. If you have to check in, set certain hours so you can better enjoy your time off.

Eat Well

Elevate your experience at home by ordering in, lighting candles, or enjoying a good wine. If you want to dine out, perhaps try the new place you’ve wanted to check out for awhile.

Stay Healthy

Go for a long walk or bike ride and explore your city. Keep your chin up, you’ll see more that way.


Look at your city with a new pair of eyes. What sort of activities would you want to do if you visited your city from somewhere else? Anything touristy? Do it. When we went to Kauai we hiked the Kalalau trail, so we found a hike we can enjoy here too.

When was the last time you explored your city? Have you ever done a staycation? What sorts of things did you do?

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Responses to “Tips For A Successful Staycation”

  1. Unplug & relax…seriously the most important thing…and the one thing I NEVER do. I really need to work on it!

  2. Such great ideas! I agree with Chandler, I really need to unplug & relax, myself! Isn’t it silly that it’s such a hard thing to do?!
    Amanda |

  3. Excellent ideas. I always find food a problem as I’m not used to outside food. Nicely written. 🙂

  4. Christina

    I seriously need to do this. A staycation sounds amazing.

  5. I love staycations! They are my favorite and I totally agree with all of these ideas. “Keep your chin up. You’ll see more that way.” I love it.

  6. I love the reminder to explore where we are. I’m great at relaxing… not so good at exploring. 🙂

  7. Great post! My hubby and I love to stay cation at a hotel where we live and YES… do the spa! Couldn’t agree more! I LOVE your template and the whole clean look of your page! Would you mind sharing with me what template you are using? xoxo ~Kristi

  8. Such a great idea! I am going to have to use these tips for sure! Such a fun post, thanks for sharing!


    Brittany || Pretty & Sassy

  9. Yes to unplugging! Sometimes you just need to shove away all those extra distractors in order to just hear yourself think! And eating well is a huge part of relaxing and recuperating, too – all it takes is junk food or skipping meals to play havoc with your body chemistry and bring you down.

  10. We’ve only done a couple of staycations before…usually a night away at a resort while our parents keep the kiddos but we don’t always disconnect like we should. A staycation sounds amazing right about now.

    Brooke |

  11. I think it would be so fun to take a staycation! There is so much I want to do where we live that we just never have time for!

  12. Relax is sooooooo important…. I think one day my job will kill me(

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