Traveling with Kids: Sleep


I know this may come as a shock but when we travel with our little ones we don’t usually go through a lot of trouble to get an extra bed or crib. Up until Aiden was older we’d just book a king sized bed and all of us share. We didn’t take up much space and are pretty sound sleepers anyway. After he got a little older (and bigger) we would book a studio type suite or make sure the room had a couch or somewhere more appropriate than the floor for him to sleep. Most hotels offer a room with a bed and a futon.

Doll Studios

With the addition of Søren, we’ve had to make sure to book a room with 2 beds or a king sized bed for Steve, Søren, and I and then some sort of couch fold out or bed for Aiden. If we book two queen sized beds Søren and I just share, then Steve and Aiden share. When we were in Denmark we had a double bed and a fold out twin sleeper.

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I’m sure as Søren gets older our needs will change. If you don’t normally bedshare with your kids or are a very heavy sleeper there are different aids that you can use. I found a really cool inflatable bed rail that won’t take up much space in a suitcase or they also sell inflatable toddler air beds. I think those might be more heavy and take up more space in your luggage. I’d splurge for the cot or crib if we really need to but for now this is what works best for us.

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Response to “Traveling with Kids: Sleep”

  1. Thanks for sharing this. I find it increasingly difficult to book hotel rooms to suit us as our daughter gets older (she’s almost 8), and she’s also a horrible sleeper (we call her kung fu sleep ninja!), and our little one usually won’t sleep with us for more than an hour or two before wanting to go back into his own space. We’ll usually get one bed for us, make sure there’s a futon/sofa/second bed for our daughter, and a crib of some sort for our son. It gets complicated!

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