Wanderlust: Alaska

Copyright Image Editor Copyright Beaster725 alaska_flickr-kabacchi alaska_flickr-imme Coypright lovinkat

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A new feature I’d like to introduce is called Wanderlust. Once a month I will profile a place that we’d love to go on vacation. Right now we’re lusting after an Alaskan Cruise, dreaming about next summer. Hopefully we can make it happen!

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Responses to “Wanderlust: Alaska”

  1. For a second there I thought you took these photos. They are AMAZING!! I’m sure you will bring back some awesome photos should you decide to do the Alaska Cruise (which you should).

    1. Haha, Thanks! I thought so. It was pretty hard to find CC material that was good looking. We’re trying really hard. I didn’t realize how pricey cruises can be.

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