Vegan Swedish Cream Wafer Cookies

Every year growing up, I remember my mom making these Swedish cream wafer cookies. Awhile back I started making them on my own but have since had my dairy allergy worsen, and the final straw was last year’s batch. Mourning the loss of butter in my diet, I was determined to make these vegan-friendly and edible for me. After a very successful attempt (and lots of taste testing) I’m sharing my Vegan Swedish Cream Wafer Cookie recipe with you. Trust me when I say that Santa loves these cookies.


2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup softened butter replacement (I prefer soy-free Earth Balance)
1/4 – 1/3 cup whipped full fat canned coconut milk (like this)
Sugar for dipping

1. Mix the ingredients to a dough and chill for an hour. You might not need the full amount of coconut milk, aim for slightly sticky but not gooey.
2. Divide the dough in half and roll out to 1/8″ thick onto a floured surface. Cut shapes using 1 1/2″ rounds (or small shapes like these).
3. Carefully dip both sides of cookie in sugar and place on ungreased baking sheets lined with parchment paper. If the sugar doesn’t stick, you can pinch some between your thumbs and sprinkle onto the cookies.
4. Poke with fork 3-4 times – I always forget this part.
5. Bake 7-9 mins at 375 degrees. Remove when slightly golden brown. Transfer to cooling rack promptly.


3/4 cup powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla (or lemon, or peppermint) extract
1/4 cup softened butter replacement (I prefer soy-free Earth Balance)
Food color if desired, but I usually leave it out.

1. Mix all filling ingredients until smooth, add a few drops of water if needed.
2. Place a small amount between two cooled cookies.
3. Try not to eat them all!

This recipe makes about 60 cookies depending on the size of your cutters.

What are your favorite holiday cookies to make?

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Responses to “Vegan Swedish Cream Wafer Cookies”

  1. YUM! What a great recipe!!!


  2. These are so cute for Christmas…and they sounds delicious!

    Molly | Hey There Sunshine

  3. I think we need to make these TODAY! 🙂 yummy.

  4. These look so light and delicious and seem fairly simple to make! Our kiddos love making cookies so maybe we will try this recipe this year. Thanks for sharing.

    Brooke |

  5. Cute and delicious! I need to try!!
    Taylor |

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