Alt Summit Winter 2016!

Alt Summit Winter 2016 Speaker, Jessica Doll

Big news!

If you didn’t already catch it on my sidebar, I’m speaking at Alt Summit Winter 2016 in Salt Lake City next month. I’ll be hosting a roundtable about branding and finding your niche. I’m excited and nervous all at once as this is my first official speaking role. With a rebrand under my belt, I’m confident in my ability to help others who might be thinking about refining their brand or even doing a rebrand of their own.

I’d love your help in putting together my presentation. Do you have any questions about branding and finding your niche? I plan to include a short activity for everyone to do during the presentation or later on, and then have time for Q&A as well.

I’m also excited to put together another conference packing list, like I did for BlogHer. It will all depend on the party themes and weather, so I’ll have to wait until the event is closer.

Are you attending Alt Summit Winter 2016? Do you have any questions I can help answer about branding and finding your niche? I’d love to connect!

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Responses to “Alt Summit Winter 2016!”

  1. omg you’re going to do so good! wish i could attend
    Southern Elle Style

    1. Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂

  2. I’ve never been to alt, but it seems to be the mecca for bloggers. It also always seems to be sold out!!

    I would love to make it there at some point.

    Good luck with your talk!

    1. Thanks, Caren! I hope I’ll be able to share some worthy information. 🙂

  3. […] 1. Cashmere Scarf by Everlane I don’t have a warm and thick scarf, and although I used one during my trip to Boston last Winter, it wasn’t quite warm enough. Temperatures here have been colder than usual, and this would be perfect for my upcoming trip to Salt Lake City for Alt Summit! […]

  4. Hi Jessica! I’m also speaking at Alt (about podcasting). I launched my podcast in September (The Birth Hour) which features a mom telling her birth story each episode. I haven’t really spent a lot of time branding as I was mostly concerned with figuring out the technical side of podcasting so I just created a logo and launched basically. Anyways, I’d love to see the podcast turn into more than just the twice a week episodes and be more like a community with potential for lots of other outlets. My long term goal is definitely to make some income because all of the work that goes into it won’t be sustainable long term with a full time job as well. So I guess I’m looking for suggestions on how to create a brand around something so specific. I clearly have a very distinct niche but would love tips on how to reach my niche, so far I’m using facebook groups, word of mouth and the occasional guest posting on related sites. Instagram is where I’ve put most of my social media efforts and have grown @thebirthhour from 0 to over 3000 followers in just a few months. Sorry for the ramble – looking forward to your sessions!

  5. […] received Marie Kondo’s new book for Christmas this year and plan to read it during my trip to Alt Summit so I can’t wait to see if it changes my opinion on any of […]

  6. […] on a flight today to Salt Lake City, Utah where I will be speaking at Alt Summit (Can you tell I’m excited?). I’ve already packed my bags and am ready to spend a few […]

  7. […] Last month I attended at Alt Summit Winter 2016. Not only was it my first full-scale Alt Summit conference, it was my first time speaking in public! I hosted a round table discussion about branding, and finding your niche in the blogging world. The flight into Salt Lake started out a little hectic. After receiving a flight delay notice I decided to head home and take my older son to school before heading to the airport (luckily only 10 minutes away!). Just as I was getting ready to drive him to school, I received a flight update that said my flight was still scheduled on time. I don’t know if it was destiny or dumb luck that I was able to get to the airport and make my flight, but I’m so glad I did. I arrived roughly an hour before it was scheduled for take off, and made it to my gate just before boarding. Phew! […]

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