Week 34, Back to School

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Aiden went back to school this week. He’s so excited to see his friends again but everyone else has the back-to-school blues. Going back means no more mid-week adventures for us, and planning even day trips well in advance. Søren was especially sad to see his best friend go, he even wanted to bring his own little backpack and kept asking to go to school with him. Maybe someday soon. All has been quiet as we change gears and focus on getting the house back in order after a summer on the go.

Are you happy with your Summer? Did you take any last minute pre back-to-school trips?

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 34, Back to School”

  1. So cute!! They are such stylish kids 🙂 I love your pictures too!

  2. Gorgeous kids and your photography is stunning. Love the one with your child holding a toy camera!

    1. Thanks! The camera is actually Tegu blocks that he put together on his own to make a camera while I was getting some work done. 🙂

  3. Aawwww, so sad that Soren was so sad!! Poor little guy!

  4. You have great photographs! I love your children’s clothing.

  5. That balloon arch is amazing. Back to school can be so fun!

  6. Gorgeous photos! I love the one of your son under the balloons!

  7. he looks so stylish for his first day of school. aww the photos of soren are adorable.. he’s so sad to see him go! how long before he starts school?

  8. Grats to your sweetie! He seems like a great kid. 🙂

  9. Gorgeous photos – hope they had a wonderful first day back to school! <3

  10. I can’t believe summer is over. My daughter started school on Monday.

  11. Your photos are so clear + crisp…excellent job!

  12. Awww, your little one looks so sad that big brother is leaving. How sad. Your have handsome kids!

  13. Aw. Poor Søren. Bobby starts kindergarten a week from tomorrow… he’s so excited, mama not so much!

  14. That tee pee is AWESOME! I need one in my house!

  15. Your kids could be models!

  16. That’s so sweet that his brother was so sad to see him go. Gorgeous photos as always! I want a tent like that in my house too!

    Katie <3

  17. Great photos!! Sum up back to school so perfectly!

  18. Awe, that picture of your little one crying is so sad! I bet he missed his big brother! You have adorable kiddos!

  19. Awww your boys are so cute, your eldest is so tall x

  20. aw, your kids are so stylish and cute! and poor little Soren, he looks so upset! Gorgeous photos as always.

  21. Lynette

    aww such a cute, post, and brilliant photographs

  22. Looks like he sure was excited!

  23. I hope the first day back went well. 🙂

  24. Awhh! How fun! I’m loving all these back to school posts! I love your pictures and I love that balloon archway!

  25. I think it’s so awesome that you document everything this way, your pictures are so beautiful! So awesome of you to surprise him with those balloons!

  26. Such handsome kids – seriously. Happy back to school!

  27. Aww, Soren was so sad, poor little brother!!

  28. Who is your new blog designer? Also, I don’t know if you can add a plugin but when you leave replies to the comments left on your post, the original commenter doesn’t get notified.

  29. That teepee brings back fond memories for me. I made one for my girls years ago, and now that it is gone, I find that not one picture exists to prove out all that hard work and years of play. Such a blessing for you, having the foresight to record these times.

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