Week 50, Dear Santa

Dear Santa Dear Santa Dear Santa Dear Santa Dear Santa Dear Santa Dear Santa Dear Santa Dear Santa Dear Santa

I can’t believe how quickly this month is going by. Thanksgiving seems like it was last weekend. We are so behind with our advent calendar, it’s a little embarrassing. We don’t normally write an official letter to Santa, but these were too cute not to. Søren talked about all of the colors he was using, just after he filled in the circle for nice. Aiden was more honest (ha!) with his letter and assured me that he would buy the 100 cookies with his own money. I have to admit, it is a pretty compelling bribe.

Did you ever write letters to Santa as a child?

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Responses to “Week 50, Dear Santa”

  1. I love your style! Your pictures are beautiful.

  2. Hi Jessica! Lovely photos of course. I’m pretty sure I wrote letters to Santa as a kid, it’s a great way to tell parents what you want. 🙂

  3. Lovely photos of such a sweet time. I can’t believe there are only 2 weeks left of this year!
    Those letters really are cute…I wouldn’t mind filling in my own 😛


  4. I wrote letters to Santa – and HE WROTE BACK! Seriously came in Canada Post mail and it came back to my brother and I. It was awesome.

  5. You have the sweetest kids! Love this idea! 🙂

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