Winter at Baylands Nature Preserve

Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area)

Our first official adventure of 2016 was a quick trip to Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California. Although we’ve visited before, the wetlands change throughout the year and bring new surprises with each visit. It’s not a place people often think to visit while in the bay area, but the setting is so serene that it holds a special place in my heart. The boys love to run around and explore (respectfully, of course), and I love to take in all of the peaceful scenery.

Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area)

In the winter the colors are darker, deeper, and less vibrant. I love the way the pickleweed dries to a darker brown and returns a vibrant green in the springtime. We saw several birds along the way, including sandpipers, an egret, and even a black-crowned night heron. I was especially intrigued by the heron as I am used to seeing great blue ones who are very tall and lengthly. The black-crowned night heron is very short and stalky in comparison.

Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area)

The boardwalk was closed for repairs and from the looks of it, it’s an accurate statement, ha. I hope they have it repaired and ready to go by Spring so we can enjoy the walk to the end again. When the tide is higher the bay water comes up to the end of it and isn’t hidden in the weeds. If you go out early enough in the morning you can see the fog swirling low on the bay. It’s beautiful.

Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area) Baylands Nature Preserve in Palo Alto, California (Bay Area)

Baylands Nature Preserve
2500 Embarcadero Way
Palo Alto, CA 94303

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Responses to “Winter at Baylands Nature Preserve”

  1. I can see why this is a favorite place. It is is beautiful and serene.

  2. It looks so beautiful with all of those clouds!

  3. oh that looks like a really nice place to explore! I had never heard of it.

  4. Looks like an awesome first adventure for 2016, I can’t wait to see more of the great places you go!

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