2015 Year in Review

California coastline California redwoods, part of our yearly recap at www.hejdoll.com Anniversary photos by Adriana Klas Travel themed room for toddler California redwoods, part of our yearly recap at www.hejdoll.com Siblings holding hands Almond Orchard in bloom. Almond Orchard in bloom. Danish heart valentine Floral 30th birthday Robot dress up hat Fog in Boston Santa Barbara beach walk, part of our yearly recap. Butterfly beach in Santa Barbara yearly-recap-2015-15 Dutch Windmill in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, part of our 2015 year in review at www.hejdoll.com Looking over Palm Springs from Mount Jacinto, part of our 2015 year in review at www.hejdoll.com Ace Hotel Palm Springs Hovership at Maker Faire Maker Faire 2015 SF Bay Area Highway 280 in California Pomeranian licking lips, part of our 2015 year in review at www.hejdoll.com 5th grade graduation Hiking in Monterey KOA Santa Cruz California redwoods, part of our yearly recap at www.hejdoll.com Horseback riding Travel with a toddler Maui Maui Maui Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk California coastline California coastline, part of our 2015 year in review at www.hejdoll.com Lake Tahoe sunset Le Diner in SF, all white dinner party Grand Cayman Yacht trip Stingray City in Grand Cayman Mendocino Coast, in Northern California Sunset from Alki Beach in Seattle Turks and Caicos, Little Water Cay Grace Bay in Turks and Caicos Turks and Caicos water from above Where the Wild Things are Costume, part of our 2015 year in review at www.hejdoll.com 12th Birthday Party Snowball Lake Tahoe Cabin California redwoods, part of our 2015 year in review at www.hejdoll.com Modern and Scandinavian Christmas Decorations

This is our 2015 year in review. As you can see, it was quite a year. I’m both humbled and proud of our accomplishments as a family and on our own. I turned the big 3-0 (my thoughts here), my husband, Steve, had his first booth at Maker Faire. Aiden moved on from 5th grade and into middle school. Søren continues to grow and is finally reaching the last phase of toddlerhood. I am really thankful for our good fortunes last year and hope that they continue into the new year. Enjoy!

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Responses to “2015 Year in Review”

  1. What wonderful photos for you to look back on! Have a wonderful weekend!!

    Christina :: Simple and Delish

    1. Thanks! These photos are actually one of my favorite parts about blogging, I am forced to document and then can look back on our adventures. 🙂

  2. What a beautiful year you had!

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