An Ode To Thirty

Adriana Klas Photography Adriana Klas Photography Adriana Klas Photography Adriana Klas Photography Adriana Klas Photography

A few short years ago the number “30” seemed so distant. It wasn’t even on my thought horizon. When I turned 25, I vowed to myself that I’d turn 25 every single year after. I did for the first few years, but somewhere in between then and now, I let go. I forget how many times I’ve turned 25, and as a matter of fact, I’m pretty good at forgetting my age all together. I forget all of the goals and to-do’s I had slated for my twenties, and prioritizeย what really matters most. I forget by choice, not by chance.

Last year was one of the first that I began to feel more settled in my life. Thirty was no longer a distant speck on my horizon, it was moving in quickly, ready or not. I’m not where I thought I’d be ten years ago, but is that where anyone ever ends up? I’m learning when to take risks, to say yes more often, and that it’s also okay to say no. I’m living with more intention than I ever have. For the first time in my life I feel like I’ve come into my own and have been able to really define myself, and it feels wonderful.

Here is to turning 30 for the first time, and all of the goodness that comes with it!

Adriana Klas Photography

The beautiful photos above were taken by my friend Adriana Klasย (I met her at Field Trip 2014!) as part of a portfolio collaboration withย Wiyanna, Katie Anderson Diamonds, and ML Garden & Design.

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Responses to “An Ode To Thirty”

  1. Kailey deluca

    I absolutely adore the dress you are wearing? Do you happen to know the brand?

    By the way, I’m just a high school student, but I always get really excited to see your blog posts – you’ve inspired me to live life a little lighter, without the stress that loads of junk / clutter brings, especially when it comes to traveling. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Thank you so much. I’m so glad that you’re able to take that away from my blog. It really does make life easier, and you don’t have to sacrifice style to travel light. ๐Ÿ™‚ As far as the dress, it’s from Victoria’s Secret a few seasons ago.

      I found some similar styles: &

      1. Kailey deluca

        Thank you! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Linda Doll

    Beautiful 30, beautiful you!! Love the thoughts you shared so vividly!! Glad you are a part of our family. Happy, Happy Birthday!!

    1. Thanks Linda! I’m glad I’m part of the family too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  3. Happy birthday!! Thirty is an awesome age… or so I’ve heard! Cheers! I love your blog and your adventures ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. You are absolutely stunning and 30 will be wonderful.

  5. The 30s have actually been great for me. ๐Ÿ™‚ Glad to hear you’re embracing it! And happy birthday! Beautiful photos.

  6. Happy Birthday Jessica! This was a beautiful post <3

  7. welcome to the flip side – and happy birthday!

  8. Lovely photos and beeeautiful words. <3

  9. Happy birthday, Jessica! You wear 30 well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. amazing photos, no. 5 is my fav ๐Ÿ˜‰ happy b-day and welcome to the club, you look beautiful!

  11. Welcome to the dirty-30-club. Whatever that even means! Happy Birthday friend. Hugs!

  12. I could never find the words to describe the feeling The Thirties give me and you did it so perfectly. “I forget by choice, not by chance.” It sounds like you’re having a truly happy birthday, love. โ™ก

  13. you look so beautiful! happy birthday!

    cheers to being 30! ๐Ÿ™‚ i spent the last two years being in denial.. but i think i’m finally coming to accept that our 30s aren’t so bad! ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Oh hooray! I’m turning 30 next month! Happy birthday lady!

  15. Love these photos!

  16. Happy, HAPPY Birthday prettiest lady! These photos of you are insanely gorgeous! Cheers to your next year! xoxo

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  19. […] changed so much over the last year, in ways I didn’t expect. When I wrote this post about turning 30, I talked about living with more intention and although I have been making lots of […]

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