Week 31, In The Garden

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Every year we plant a Summer garden. Aiden has always enjoyed it, but this is the first year that Søren is old enough to understand the farm-to-fork concept. He and Aiden work very hard watering the garden and helping to pick the produce. Søren takes special care of the chawbewies (strawberries), making sure they never see the inside of our house. I’m so glad that I can share this experience with them. Food is such an important part of life and kids should learn healthy habits when they are young.

Do you do anything special to make sure that your kids know what is healthy? If you don’t have kids, did your parents do anything special when you were young?

A portrait of my child once a week, every week in 2014. To see the whole series, click here.

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Responses to “Week 31, In The Garden”

  1. Hello – first time visiting your blog 🙂 What awesome pictures!!! What kind of camera do you use?

  2. Linda Doll

    Jessica… I love the “farm to fork” concept of teaching kids. We had a large garden for several years (unfortunately before Steve was born) which our four oldest helped with by mostly eating off the vines. Snow peas were the food of choice and never made it into the house just like your chawberries with Soren. 🙂

  3. I love your garden, and I’m so envious! You still need to bring me some of those tomatoes, by the way. My mama used to take me to the farmers market, and we would buy tons of colorful veggies, take them home, cut them up and eat them off of cutting boards. It was so much fun creating, that eating seemed like a no brainer.

  4. love these garden pictures! looks like you got a great haul of veggies!

  5. What a great thing to teach your kids! And holy zucchini- that thing is huge!

  6. It’s great to incorporate kids into gardening — a great learning experience. Your pictures are beautiful and your produce looks really fresh and amazing.

  7. Gardening is so fun and relaxing. It looks like the kids really enjoy it!

  8. How seriously awesome! I’ve always wanted a veggie garden, but I know that it would never make it. I just can’t seem to handle the upkeep. So I’m extremely jealous! lol

  9. I love the idea of growing your own food. I hope one day we can teach our girls how! Those tomatoes look so delicious!

  10. Your garden is absolutely beautiful! How I wish I had the space to grow veggies and herbs like this. So important to teach your kids how to grow their food from an early age too – bravo!

  11. Wow. I love your garden! I have a black thumb.. so everything dies under my care. It’s so nice that you have two little helpers too! 🙂 There’s a slight chance we might be moving to SF next year.. and I’m looking forward to having better climates to attempt gardening again.

  12. I’ve always wanted a personal garden like this! I love it!

  13. That is one large zucchini! Congrats on exposing your kids to gardening. I always helped my grandparents with theirs growing up and I’m pretty sure that is why I love to do it now!

  14. My parents were always Dutch great gardeners even though they were 9-5 workers. We always enjoyed watering and growing the different veggies

  15. Your photography is GORGEOUS! So is your garden; wonderful post!

  16. You have such a way with photos! So beautiful. I love your garden too!

  17. Wow, what a great garden you have and such lovely littles! And, get a load of that zucchini right there! <3 #greenthumb

  18. So I left a ginormous comment a few hours ago, and the thing kept twirling around telling me it was going to post. Unfortunately I forget what most of it said lol.

    Bet those tomatoes taste even better than the last batch! They look sooo good.

  19. Truly excellent. It is wonderful for kids to learn this. I don’t have a green thumb at all but I managed to row some pumpkins and corn with my kid this year!!

  20. These photos are to die for. What a great garden!

  21. These pictures make me want to garden. Absolutely beautiful!! Once we have our own house (renting now) we’ll be starting a little garden, I know Bobby would love it!

  22. oh goodness, your photos are always just awesome! and your boys are super cute 🙂 did i spy a fig tree?

  23. I wish we had the space to plant a garden. My fiancee really wants to when we have a house.

    1. Do you have a window with good light? Or a window you can put a planter on? Or a balcony? You’d be surprised where stuff will grow.

  24. I want to grow a garden so badly, but I have to wait until we leave AZ. It’s just so hot! It’s hard to keep anything alive around here. Love your photography it’s so clean and out of this world beautiful!

    1. I bet it’s hot! Can you grow anything indoors? Inside a sunny window?

  25. You take the MOST gorgeous photos. Those pictures of the children, I predict, will be treasures for years to come.

    1. Yes, they will. 🙂

  26. your garden is gorgeous! i’m so jealous of those tomatoes. they look delicious!

  27. I used to love gardening on my grandparents allotments as a kid, so many happy memories.

  28. This is wonderful! I am horrible at gardening, but love my mom and my aunts’ gardens

  29. Aww these are great pics, the kids look like there having so much fun. I think it so important to do things like this with children when they are young it gives them such an understanding of how there food gets to their plate. My little ones only 14 months but everything time there’s something ready in the garden he can pull up I let him, I think it’s good for them to start as young as possible 🙂

  30. it’s amazing that you teach your kids from the early age the healthy relationship with food. And having a garden to grow a least one thing is a dream. My grandma has a huuuuge garden and we used to have fresh produce always on the table. That’s so much worth.

  31. What great pictures and an amazing garden.

  32. You have a really nice garden! I love the picture of your little guy carrying that huge zucchini!

  33. These pictures are amazing! I am so jealous of this garden.

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